Than to be protected from pregnancy?

Than to be protected from pregnancy - a question which excites most of all women though ways of protection from pregnancy happen both female, and man's.

Both male and female methods are divided into reversible and irreversible. Reversible - those after the abolition of the use of which pregnancy may soon come, and irreversible - this is, as a rule, sterilization. Reversible female measures of protection from pregnancy are divided into natural, barrier, hormonal and intrauterine. Reversible male measures of protection against pregnancy are divided into natural and barrier. And the most traditional division is mechanical, biological and chemical contraceptives.

Methods of contraception - effectiveness

Consider the effectiveness of various methods of contraception:

  1. 99.95-99.9% of the effectiveness of contraception is achieved only by surgical sterilization of women and men, and even this radical method can give rare failures. Irreversible methods of male and female contraception - this is certainly the best way to protect against pregnancy, but it is prescribed very rarely and strictly according to indications.
  2. 99-99,8% of the effectiveness is also given by hormonal contraceptives (combined estrogen-gestagenic, injectable (in injections) and subcutaneous hormonal contraceptives, non-combinated gestagenic drugs). But if there is a violation of the rules for taking tablets hormonal contraceptives, their effectiveness drops to 90.4%.
  3. 97-98% of the effectiveness of contraception is obtained when using intrauterine contraceptives (spirals). The foreign body in the uterus prevents the attachment of the fetal egg in it, but with an inappropriate position of the spiral, the pregnancy still occurs, including the ectopic. Sometimes it turns out to remove the spiral and leave the pregnancy, but more often they remove both.
  4. 96,2-97,5% of the effectiveness of contraception with the use of the drug Postinor in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. But the more time passed, the less efficacy of the drug - in the first 12 hours - 95%, in the subsequent 12 - up to 85%, and after 24 hours - up to 58%, the drug can be used not more often than 1 time per month (only for 1 sexual act).
  5. 96-81% of the effectiveness of contraception when using barrier women's methods of contraception (diaphragms, cervical caps), they all create a mechanical barrier on the cervix and prevent sperm from entering the cervix.
  6. 70-86% efficiency when using local chemical female contraceptives, they use spermicides - chemicals that kill sperm. They are released in the form of soluble vaginal suppositories, tablets, films, sponges, jellies and foams.
  7. 70-85% effectiveness of a very popular method - interrupted sexual intercourse, as a method of preventing pregnancy for men.
  8. 85-90% efficiency of the rhythm or calendar method , but with proper use - up to 97%. Together with the measurement of basal temperature, this method is called the cryptothermal method. It is based on the definition of the onset of ovulation, during which and plus or minus 4 days before and after it, the pair is protected by other methods. Signs of ovulation - changes in the appearance of vaginal discharge. According to the calendar method, ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle, and the "dangerous" days are calculated by the formula: 18 (the beginning of "dangerous" days) are taken away from the cycle length and 11 (the end of "dangerous" days) are taken, and this is suitable only for regular cycles. At the same time, every morning the basal temperature (in the vagina or rectum of a woman) is measured and when the temperature rises by 0.2 degrees for more than 3 consecutive days - the "dangerous" days are over.
  9. 98% effectiveness has a method called lactational amenorrhea (protection from pregnancy after childbirth). This is the physiological method of contraception after the birth of a child. With natural breastfeeding, ovulation does not occur in a woman in the first few months after childbirth. Effective if a woman is breast-feeding every 3 hours by night break at 6 o'clock.

But to choose the better to be protected from pregnancy, it is necessary after visiting a woman's consultation where the doctor as a result of studying the hormonal background of a woman, revealing the indications and contraindications to this or that method, will give competent recommendations, and also taking into account the cost and the necessary level of reliability of the method.