Removal of hemorrhoids

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is indicated in the case when conservative methods are ineffective, and there is a threat of prolapse of nodes, severe bleeding and thrombosis . Hemorrhoidal nodes are round-shaped formations filled with blood. Usually they are located around the anus, easily determined by examination and palpation. In the absence of complications, the nodes are soft and elastic, non-palpable, and in case of inflammation or thrombosis they are swollen, dense.

Minimally invasive methods of removal of hemorrhoids

Minimally invasive, or non-traumatic, methods of removal of hemorrhoids are performed on an outpatient basis, do not require general anesthesia and a long recovery period. These methods are used in 2-3 stages of the disease. These include:

  1. Removal of hemorrhoids by laser - is used for external and internal nodes and provides cauterization of tissues by a laser beam with simultaneous soldering. Such intervention can be carried out even in the event of inflammation, cracks and fistulas.
  2. The method of infrared coagulation - the impact on internal nodes of infrared radiation, resulting in coagulation of their legs and further dying nodes.
  3. The method of sclerotherapy - the introduction of a special sclerosing agent into the internal or external nodes, due to the effect of which the gluing of the vessels and their subsequent resorption occurs.
  4. Cryotherapy - exposure to liquid nitrogen, which contributes to the death of hemorrhoids, but requires additional treatment of the wound surface.
  5. Ligation of hemorrhoids by latex rings - the method involves the imposition of compressive rings on the inner nodes, resulting in a gradual rejection of them.

Radical operation to remove hemorrhoids

Carrying out radical interventions requires hospitalization, general anesthesia and further rehabilitation. The following operations are possible:

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy - surgery involves partial removal of skin, mucous membrane of the rectum and tissues above the venous node, which is performed after ligation of the node. Subsequently, the wounds are sutured or remain open.
  2. Transanal desarterization is a fairly new method, in which bandaging of the arteries that provide blood flow to the hemorrhoids is performed.
  3. Longo's method involves a circular incision and suturing of the hemorrhoids, while a part of the rectal mucosa is also removed.