Can I take a bath for a cold?

Some doctors strongly recommend to refrain from taking baths for colds. Others advise water procedures as one of the methods of treating the disease. Can I take a bath with a cold, and how does this affect the body? Let's figure it out.

Are baths good for colds?

You can take baths for colds. They have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve fatigue and muscle pain. Particularly useful will be such a procedure if the water is added sea ​​salt , various essential oils or herbal medicinal herbs (this may be pharmacy chamomile, sage, yarrow). It helps well in the presence of bronchitis or tracheitis, as it contributes to the active separation of sputum.

Do you have a high fever? Is it possible to take a hot bath in case of a cold? If the body temperature is above 38.5 ° C, it is better to abstain from the water procedure. Also, the bath will not be useful when the patient has:

If you ask doctors if you can take a bath during a cold, if you have any diseases of the cardiovascular system, the answer will be negative. In this case, the procedure can provoke the appearance of complications.

How to take a bath for a cold?

Even if you can take a bath with a cold, you need to do it right, so that the procedure does not go to the detriment. Do not bathe in very hot water. Its temperature should not be more than 37 degrees. Violation of this rules can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. It is better to take a bath in the evening. Immediately after the completion of the procedure, you need to drink tea or warm milk with honey, and then go to bed, wearing warm socks.

Do you like to stay in the water for a long time? But is it possible to lie in the bathroom for a long time for a cold? Since your body is weakened, you should limit your stay in the bathroom. Very high humidity can negatively affect the patient's condition, because of it, in the nasopharynx and larynx, the production of mucus increases. Because of this, after taking a bath, the cough and runny nose will be greatly aggravated.