Signs for pregnant women

Signs for pregnant women existed at all times. Even in a modern society, seemingly free from prejudice, believe in signs during pregnancy. For example, that pregnant women can not look at ugly and scary objects. Modern medicine explains this sign as follows: a pregnant woman can experience fear or stress, which leads to adverse consequences. Almost all the national signs of pregnancy received a medical justification, and women of the twenty-first century follow the signs based on practical advice from doctors.

All the folk signs for pregnant women go back to those times when medicine was powerless against many diseases. Women tried to warn against all kinds of ailments with the help of certain rules, which later turned into signs. Consider the main signs associated with pregnancy and try to figure out what they are warning about.

  1. You can not knit, weave, clothes should not have knots. This sign was born when there was a nodular letter in Russia. Ropes and threads in those days symbolized the umbilical cord. It was believed that an occasional knot on clothes could lead to the child becoming entangled in the umbilical cord at birth.
  2. You can not sew and patch. Prolonged sewing in an uncomfortable position can disrupt the circulation of blood in the mother's body. Therefore, doing needlework, you should change your pose from time to time and warm up.
  3. You can not cut hair - premature births with a fatal outcome (mother or child) are possible. In ancient times it was believed that in the human hair is the life force. Modern medicine refutes these superstitions of pregnant women and allows them to be sheared during pregnancy.
  4. You can not sit, throwing your foot on your leg - a child can be born with crooked legs. This sign of the doctors, also, is associated with the possibility of circulatory disorders.
  5. You can not raise your hands high (above your head) - the child will become entangled in the umbilical cord. From a medical point of view, this sign is groundless in the early stages of pregnancy. But at 20-22 weeks of this really can not be done - it is possible to damage the amniotic bladder and premature birth.
  6. You can not play with a cat - the child will have enemies. Cats, indeed, can bring serious harm to a pregnant woman, because they are carriers of toxoplasmosis.
  7. You can not talk about your pregnancy as long as possible. Several centuries ago, people did not know how to treat diseases of the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, any health problems in a pregnant woman associated with the evil eye. Talking or not telling others about pregnancy is a personal matter for every future mother. Nevertheless, psychologists do not recommend to disclose this news, if there is at least the slightest chance of miscarriage.

From antiquity, there were signs of pregnancy. These signs allowed us to learn about the interesting situation of women, and our great-grandmothers knew how to read dreams that foreshadow pregnancy. The most sure sign was to catch fish in a dream. Although many consider this a superstition, this sign determines pregnancy in modern women better than any test. Numerous folk signs of determining pregnancy have not outlived themselves. A woman of the twenty-first century pays much attention to these beliefs: she follows dreams, looks at her appearance. They say that unusually bright dreams are a reliable sign before pregnancy and in early periods.

Modern women pay great attention to the signs for pregnant women, which determine the sex of the child:

Believe or not believe the ancient folk signs is a personal matter for every woman. You can follow the signs for your own peace of mind. But the main thing for a future mother is to rejoice in her beautiful position every day.