Short cervix in pregnancy

Among the many dangers that lie in wait for a woman during the period of bearing a baby, not the last place of an obstetrician is assigned to the short cervix of the uterus, because during pregnancy, this pathology can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

What is the danger of a shortened cervix during pregnancy?

The norm of the size of the cervix during pregnancy is approximately 4-5 cm. Nevertheless, for some reasons, in some women its length does not exceed 2 cm. In this case, a short length of the organ causes the development of ICSI - iscystic-cervical insufficiency.

Isthmico-cervical insufficiency is characterized by the inability of the neck and neck to retain the developing fetus in the uterine cavity. Infant constantly exerts pressure on the walls of the uterus, which leads to its opening and premature birth or miscarriage if the cervix is ​​not long enough.

Another serious danger is the easy penetration of infections. The shortened neck of the uterus during pregnancy can not serve as a reliable barrier for the penetration of pathogens. In addition, even with timely delivery, a short neck can lead to rapid labor. The results of this may be ruptures of the vagina and the uterus itself.

Causes of insufficient length of cervix in pregnancy

One of the most common causes of insufficient length of the cervix during pregnancy is the congenital anatomical structure of the organ. The cause of defect development is, often, intrauterine surgery - scraping, abortion and, even, previous births. Operative activity injures the muscle ring. After healing of the wound at this place, scars are formed, provoking a decrease in the ability of muscles to contract and stretch. Therefore, the cervix is ​​deformed and becomes shorter.

Another cause of the short cervix during pregnancy is a hormonal disorder that occurs between the 15th and 27th week of fetal development. In this period, the future child is activated by the work of the adrenal glands, leading to the synthesis of androgens. These hormones are able to cause shortening of the cervix in the mother. One of the characteristic features of androgens is the shortening of the cervix, which under their influence softens and prematurely begins to unfold. Sometimes, itchmico-cervical failure does not lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. The pregnant woman herself may not suspect the presence of pathology.

How to avoid the development of pathology?

For the first time, ischemic-cervical insufficiency is detected during a visual examination by a gynecologist. To confirm the diagnosis, a woman undergoes ultrasound using a vaginal sensor. ICS is diagnosed if the length of the neck does not exceed 2 cm, and the inner pharynx is less than 1 cm in diameter.

First of all, a pregnant woman needs to be under the control of a gynecologist who is able to notice the shortening of the cervix in time and take measures to prevent early birth or spontaneous abortion. Usually, the hormonal imbalance is successfully corrected by taking medications - glucocorticoids.

In case the length of the cervix during pregnancy has not normalized after a month of treatment with medicines, a woman is suggested to apply suturing to the organ. Also, a special obstetric pessary can be used, a device capable of reducing fetal pressure on the uterus and holding it in the desired position.