Chokeberry prunes during pregnancy

In the period of waiting for the baby, the woman's body especially needs a variety of vitamins and micronutrients. That is why future mothers should fully and properly eat. In particular, it is very useful to include in the daily diet various berries, for example, chokeberry.

The berries of this shrub are of great benefit to any adult person and child, and pregnant women are no exception. Despite this, some future mothers are afraid to eat black chickens, afraid to cause harm to the baby. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to eat chokeberry in pregnancy, and what contraindications this berry has.

Is it possible to eat chokeberry during pregnancy?

In the berries of chokeberry contains a huge number of different vitamins, including C, P, E and PP, beta-carotene, as well as B vitamins. In addition, the fruits of this shrub are extremely rich in valuable macro- and microelements, in particular, such as boron , copper, potassium, iodine, iron, magnesium and fluorine.

Due to its composition, the fruits of the black mountain ash cover remarkably support and strengthen the immunity and give the human body protective forces, and restore them if necessary.

In addition, black-berry berries perfectly cope with hypertension. As a result of systematic and regular use of these fruits for 2-3 weeks, the blood vessels expand, so that blood pressure starts to decrease and reaches normal values.

The juice of the fruits of the aronia blackberry perfectly copes with the function of strengthening the walls of blood vessels and contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm. That is why this remedy is often prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various ailments of the cardiovascular system.

In the second half of pregnancy, young women often suffer from increased swelling. Especially often this unpleasant symptom is manifested in the field of feet and shins. Since chokeberry contains a huge amount of potassium, which displaces sodium, an excess of accumulated liquid is released from the tissues. As a result, the swelling of the legs is significantly reduced, which is very important for women suffering from this unpleasant symptom.

Thus, chokeberry in the course of pregnancy can be eaten both at early and late dates. Nevertheless, one should not overlook the contraindications that this berry has. So, the fruits of blackberry can not be eaten in the presence of such problems and diseases: