Chronic rhinitis - treatment

Rhinitis is a very unpleasant disease that can go on into a chronic form, when they do not pay enough attention to it. Of course, preventing a chronic cold is much easier than curing it. But if it so happens that the problem has become more serious, you need to know a few secrets that will help get rid of it as soon as possible.

How to treat a chronic cold?

In fact, there are several different types of rhinitis. In practice, they differ little, but nature has different. Features of treatment vary depending on the origin of the disease. Therefore, the first stage of treatment should be the definition of an accurate diagnosis.

There are several forms of chronic rhinitis.

Conventional chronic rhinitis

An ordinary chronic runny nose is often treated with drops like Nazivin or Halazolin. It is not recommended to get involved in these means. For a while, they breathe, of course, will be released, but can become addictive, after which it will be very difficult to find the right remedy. Experts for the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis recommend astringent and antibacterial agents:

In some cases, cryodestruction is prescribed. Sometimes laser or photo-ops help in the treatment.

Hypertrophic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis in adults without surgery is usually not complete. To cure rhinitis, you need to remove excess overgrown areas of the mucosa or expand a little nasal passage.

Atrophic rhinitis

At a chronic atrophic rhinitis the patient suffers from excessive dryness in the nose. To soften the crust, use special solutions. To treat this form of chronic cold all kinds of drugs with a moisturizing effect are suitable:

In some cases, antibacterial drugs are required.

Allergic rhinitis

Very often a chronic allergy causes an allergy. To treat this form of the disease, vasoconstrictive drugs are used. But the first thing to do with a chronic allergic rhinitis is to treat the cause of the allergy. The best means:

Preparations form a special protective film in the nose. You can use them for several months. The main principle of treatment is the development of resistance to the allergen.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Another form of chronic cold is vasomotor. Cure rhinitis can be, normalizing the work of the nervous system. Improve the condition of the nose with sprays, drops and injections. It is important to understand that medications will only help to remove swelling, but will not cure the disease.

Treatment of chronic cold with folk remedies

No matter how many drug treatments for chronic rhinitis are not suggested, folk remedies always remain popular. They are natural, harmless, and often even more effective:

  1. Onion drops in the nose - a remedy that works without fail. You do not need to get involved - a couple drops on one nostril will be more than enough.
  2. Another great cure for chronic rhinitis is beet. Vegetables should be finely grated and rolled into tampons. The more juice will, the better. If you do not want to tinker with tampons, you can simply drip the beet juice into your nose.
  3. Get rid of the abundant discharge will help the cotton swabs with honey. They need to be shoved as deep as possible into the sinuses.
  4. Do not be superfluous and gargle from sea ​​salt , purified water or chamomile.
  5. Well fight with a runny nose drops of celandine. In each nostril you need to dig in a couple of droplets of funds three times a day. The result can be noticed after the first procedures.