How to pump your back on the bar?

In the last few years, Workout has become very popular. Workout is a street workout on bars and a horizontal bar. Many will say that this is entertainment for boys of adolescence, but today more and more women and girls who prefer street pursuits and have an excellent physical shape. They do not have to spend a lot of money on fitness clubs, everything that is necessary for a good workout - sports uniform, horizontal bars in the yard and a good mood.

By the way, very many doubt that you can, for example, spin the back without iron. And you look around and look at the lover of courtyard games on the bar, the physical form of such a person is almost perfect, and in his training he does not use a kilogram of iron, except for equipment in the form of horizontal bars and beams.

How to pump up your back: Exercises

Today we will tell you about how quickly to pump the muscles of the back on the bar and bars.

  1. Pulling up a wide grip to the chest . Put your hands as wide as possible. Slowly pull up, trying to touch the bar with your chest and return to the starting position. Do not forget that during the exercise, the muscles of the back should work, and not the biceps.
  2. Pulling up a wide back grip to the chest . Put your arms wide, hold back grip. Slowly pull up, try to touch the horizontal bar with your chest, go back to the starting position. During the exercise, try not to swing.
  3. Raise your legs up . Grasp the bar with your hands. Slowly lift the straight legs to the parallel with the floor, or bent at the knees as high as possible, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, and also slowly, without sudden movements, return to the starting position. With this exercise you will strengthen not only the muscles of the back , but also the abdomen. Repeat each exercise 20-25 times.

As you can see, it is not necessary to hurry to the fitness club to find the ideal figure, to pump the muscles of the back on the bar, sometimes it's enough just to leave the house in the yard and devote yourself 15-20 minutes. Do not forget that doing any exercises requires a preliminary warm-up. Do not be lazy and allocate a warm-up for 7-10 minutes, first, you will reduce the risk of injury, and secondly, the lesson will become more effective. And remember that you are engaged for yourself, for your beauty and health, so do not mess around and do all the exercises qualitatively, and very soon you will get the body of your dream, which will delight the eye every day.