Exercises for burning fat

Fifty years ago, the current standards of beauty would be considered exhausted and lean, but now the view is growing more and more that it is impossible to be too thin. Now, workouts for fat burning are one of the most popular sports activities for women.

Effective workouts for weight loss: the basics

Remember the simple truth: no workouts for weight loss will produce the desired result if you do not start eating properly. Remember at least the most elementary norms and stick to them:

In addition, do not forget about the correct combination of products: meat can not be with flour products (all of dough, bread, pasta), fruits should be taken separately, and desserts should be replaced with curd and yogurt.

Training program for burning fat

Whichever option you choose, if you engage irregularly and less than 2 times a week, there will be no sense. For optimal results, you should practice 3-4 times a week for 1 - 1.5 hours. It is in this complex will include everything necessary to ensure that your figure has become slim and fit.

Aerobic workouts for weight loss

Aerobic load is a load with a rapid pulse, but not at the limit of possibilities: running, skiing, biking, jumping rope, running on site, aerobics, dancing, swimming, etc. It is during such training that fat reserves are actively burned. But only if the training lasts at least 30-40 minutes!

Alternatively, the aerobic load can be combined with the power load: first 30 minutes of power load, then 20-30 - aerobic. This approach will ensure that you not only burn fat, but also build muscle, which spends several times more energy than fatty tissue (which you get from consumed calories). So, the very presence of muscles will have a beneficial effect on your figure and burn calories!

Strength training for weight loss

Strength training is needed in order to form muscles, which, as we have already determined, contribute to intensive weight loss. When the percentage of fat tissue is less than the percentage of muscles in your body, you look slim, taut and in tone!

Force load - not necessarily training on simulators (although they, of course, in the first place). Workouts at home for weight loss can include such exercises:

You can choose the option that you like, including in the exercise exercises on the buttocks, hips, waist or strengthening the muscles of the chest and hands. It is recommended to perform each exercise for 15-20 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

Circumference training for burning fat

Circuit training - a form of strength training, which includes about 8-10 exercises. They are performed in one approach without interruption one after another, a full range of exercises can be repeated 1-3 times. This is an excellent combination of power and aerobic load!