Find the feather of a bird - a sign

No wonder our ancestors wore feathers on their clothes. This is not just an ornament that makes the outfit more attractive, above all it is a powerful and very effective way to protect yourself from failures and attract happiness. Will take note of what to find a bird's feather, a lot. Therefore, if a person wants to use this magical object to achieve his goals, it is worthwhile to carefully study what and how to do.

Sign - find the pen

If a person accidentally finds a bird's feather, the first thing to do is to look at the color of this object. Black, often a crow's raven, says that dark forces can help a person. But whether it is necessary to contact such assistants, everyone decides independently. If such a pen was found near a cemetery or graveyard, and it's worth to beware of taking it. Cope with such forces an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to.

To find the feather of a pigeon, on the contrary, is a good sign. Especially if it's snow-white. This indicates that all that has been planned will be fulfilled, and peace and peace will reign in life. Such a pen can be taken with you and carry it in your pocket or purse. It will bring good luck in business and endeavors.

A colorful pen can also be used as an amulet. If a person wears it with him, then he is protected from evil eye and envy.

The feather flew into the window-a sign

It happens that a person does not seek a special guard, but he can appear in his life by accident. The feather flying in the window should be preserved, as a rule, our guardian angels send us a symbol of protection. The popular belief says that such items-amulet are sent to people in difficult situations and help to solve them with the least losses.

Such a feather must be kept at home, hiding it away from human eyes. This will normalize the situation in the family, as well as eliminate envious people and those who wish misfortune.

The sign of the peacock

This exotic bird is considered a symbol of wealth. The feather of this bird is a good sign. However, in order to attract only luck, this object can not be searched for specifically. Only by chance found or donated a peacock feather, will draw in the house prosperity. In all other cases, keeping such items in the apartment is unsafe. There may be a period of failure, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Careful attitude to the manufacture of amulets , will allow using magic forces only for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.