Cardiac glycosides

The pathological conditions of the heart and the vascular system are the most common of the existing diseases. Many tools have been developed to deal with them, among which cardiac glycosides deserve special attention. These are herbal medicines that have a selective effect on the functions of the heart.

Cardiac glycoside - what is it?

This component is present in many plants. The main effect of these substances is aimed at increasing the intensity or weakening of the heart rate by affecting the myocardium. In case of insufficiency of the cardiac muscle, drugs increase the rhythm of strokes, reduce venous pressure and normalize blood pressure.

Cardiac glycosides include drugs:

Indications and contraindications for the use of cardiac glycosides

These components are included in the therapy to combat such ailments:

Glycosides are less effective in the case of cardiomyopathy, aortic insufficiency, myocarditis and thyrotoxicosis.

Cardiac glycosides have some contraindications. Do not use them in the following cases:

Relative contraindications include:

Future mothers and lactating women should carefully use glycosides, as they are easily absorbed through the placenta to the fetus and stand out with milk.

Overdose of cardiac glycosides

Before, include these substances in general therapy, should be examined by a doctor. After all, the reaction to the medicines of each organism is individual. Acute poisoning for some time does not manifest itself. However, after a couple of hours, the first symptoms begin to appear:

Chronic overdose is more difficult to diagnose because of a gradual asymptomatic development and a sudden appearance of several symptoms at once. Here, in addition to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, attention deficit, hallucinations, vision problems, disorientation, the appearance of color disorders should be noted.

Also it is worth noting such signs of an overdose of cardiac glycosides:

Treatment of cardiac glycoside poisoning

If you find the first signs of intoxication, you should immediately stop taking medication, rinse your stomach and drink coal. Also used laxatives, prepared on the basis of salt.

The patient is dripped with glucose (3 grams per liter) or potassium chloride (4 grams 10% solution). In the future, the patient is administered 1 gram three times a day.

In more serious cases, a painful injection of lidocaine 100 ml and subsequent administration by a drip.

To prevent poisoning, you should:

  1. Follow all the doctor's recommendations.
  2. Correctly combine glycosides with other prescribed drugs.
  3. Monitor the ECG (especially the appearance of arrhythmias and an increase in the PQ interval).
  4. Take potassium-rich foods (bananas, dried apricots, potatoes in uniforms).