What is frigidity?

Sexual deviations in women are much less studied in official science than in men. Nevertheless, in modern society, sexual disorders in women are often encountered. According to foreign statistics - at least 40% of women suffer from certain sexual disorders. Modern medicine distinguishes two main deviations in the sexual life of women: frigidity and anorgasmia.

First, we'll figure out what frigidity is. Frigidity in women, from a scientific point of view, is explained as weakness of sexual desire, coldness, absence of excitability. In some cases, a woman may have an aversion to sex. Official medicine identified two reasons that make a woman frigid:

  1. Physiological. A woman can become frigid because of suffered sexually transmitted diseases, so for any symptoms of STDs, it is necessary to visit a doctor urgently. Lack of sexual desire occurs in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also, frigidity can occur due to hormonal disorders.
  2. Psychological. This reason is widespread among modern women. Fear, shyness, suffered violence, improper sex education, depression - all this can underlie the psychological cause of frigidity.

The diagnosis of frigidity is made only after a full examination of a woman. The physiological and psychological causes of frigidity are eliminated in different ways. In addition to consulting a gynecologist, a woman may need the help of a psychologist and an endocrinologist.

Treatment of frigidity in women

Treatment of frigidity will be effective only if the woman is aware of her problem and will begin to make efforts to eliminate it. If in the course of the survey physiological causes are identified, then they are mainly eliminated medically. When the basis of female frigidity is psychological problems, treatment requires more time and attention. In many cases, treatment of both sex partners is necessary. In the course of treatment, drugs, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy can also be used. For a woman it is very important to find a good specialist and establish a trusting relationship with him, since only such a doctor will give you good and effective advice on how to get rid of frigidity.

Anorgasmia is a fairly common sexual disorder, which also occurs when a woman has psychological problems. During sex, the impulse responsible for orgasm does not reach the desired area of ​​the brain. Thus, there is no contraction of muscles and no orgasm occurs. This is due to the fact that at the subconscious level during sex a woman thinks about her fears and problems. Treatment of anorgasmia should be strictly individual. For a woman it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions so that she can show her sexuality. Psychotherapy and autogenous training bring a good effect for the treatment of anorgasmia. Doctors recommend combining psychotherapy with physiological procedures - massage and hydrotherapy.

Treatment of sexual disorders in a woman based on psychological problems can not be started. In addition to frigidity and anorgasmia, fears and complexes lead to vaginism - a sexual deviation in women, which is manifested by convulsive contractions of the muscles of the vagina. The reduction occurs reflexively, a woman can not control it. Treatment of vaginismus is based on psychotherapeutic procedures, medications, stimulants.

Sexual life is important for both men and women. Elimination of the causes of frigidity and anorgasmia depends on both partners. Attention, affection, the search for the right pose in sex - these are the necessary techniques that will help a woman relax and liberate. Regular sex and orgasm are the basis of joy and harmony in the relationship of each couple.