Sex during fasting

A man and a woman who were bound by marriage become one. Especially it is possible to talk about unity and spiritual intimacy when the sacrament of the wedding is performed. At the same time, unity is very important from the sexual point of view.

Sexual relationship between spouses is a very important component of the family union, which expresses warmth, affection and love for each other. Regarding the fulfillment of marital obligations, the Orthodox Church has many important rules, teachings.

Is it possible to have sex during a fast?

A spousal duty is a family duty, which is a manifestation of love between two people. In this regard, do not take this as something immoral and sinful, because in the post to have sex is not prohibited.

In one of his epistles, the apostle Paul urges the spouses not to shy away from each other, so as not to be tempted and not to fall into sin.

It is believed that for the period of fasting and prayers, they themselves have the right to establish the time of abstinence from sexual intercourse and it is carried out only by mutual consent. If one of the partners does not want to refuse sex, then the second has no right to refuse, based only on the prohibition of making love on a fast day.

Sex during Lent

Lent is the time of purification. People exclude from their menu food of animal origin, alcoholic beverages, must get rid of bad habits. But in the matter of sex during Lent all is somewhat more complicated.

As was said above, the intimate relationship between legal spouses is not sinful. However, most monks still do not share a common point of view on this issue.

Some are convinced that Lent is a time when a person becomes stronger and more resistant to various temptations from the limitations of his actions and habits.

Others consider the intimate conjugal life of Christians free, to which no traditions can interfere.

But still there are days when you can not have sex in the post. These include a passionate Friday and all the passionate week. The Church does not allow entering into an intimate connection during the preparation for the sacrament of the Holy Communion.

Many see the post as something burdensome and restricting their freedom, but it's worth looking at it from another angle. Fasting helps a person to improve, become stronger and less subject to temptation. This also applies to intimate relationships.

Of course, it is not easy for many to refrain from sexual intimacy, especially for young couples. But beloved ones who do not adhere to the marriage post have much more problems in the intimate sphere than the others.

Because of excessive satisfaction and cooling to each other, there is a desire to somehow diversify sexual life. A person who is satiated always lacks any sharpness and attractiveness in intimate relations. This entails various perversions and can even reach treason.

Fasting helps to preserve not only the warmth of bodily relations, but also promotes spiritual rapprochement. At a time when husband and wife abstain from sexual intimacy, their feelings begin to manifest themselves in a different way. It is expressed in attention, understanding, care and support.

Of course, as already mentioned above, abstinence during fasting should only be at the will of both parties. And, if one of the spouses does not yet live by the traditions of the church, then one should not go against his will. It may happen that, for example, the wife fasts and abstains, and the husband in the meantime will go to seek her replacement in another woman. Proceeding from this, we can say that for the sake of preserving love and peace in the family it is recommended to condescend to the infirmity of another.