Postinor - side effects

Modern women have a unique opportunity that our grandmothers did not have - to decide for themselves whether to give birth or not. And, each of the fair sex can prevent an unwanted pregnancy, without resorting to the help of doctors. This became possible thanks to the latest developments in the field of medicine. For several years, women have been using hormonal drugs that can quickly solve all the problems with unwanted pregnancies. They include postinor.

Postinor is a medicinal product that relates to emergency contraception. The remedy is used after intercourse. To date, the effect of this drug involves a lot of rumors, and contradictory statements about the effects of postinor can be found in any feedback. We offer to understand this important issue for many women.

Postinor action

Postinor is a hormonal drug that blocks the natural process - ovulation. The effect of postinor is as follows: the substances that make up it stop the movement of spermatozoa. Thus, after the adoption of postinor, fertilization becomes impossible.

In order for the postinor action to be effective, it should be guided by the following rules:

  1. The first tablet should be taken as soon as possible. It is desirable immediately after unprotected sex. The earlier the tablet is taken, the higher the efficacy of the drug. The tablet, having drunk out later than 72 hours later, does not give a result.
  2. The second postinor tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.
  3. Both tablets should be washed with water.

A woman should know that taking a postinor 48-72 hours after sexual intercourse protects against unwanted pregnancy by no more than 58%.

Side effects of postinor

Every woman is interested in the question "Is Postinor Harmful?". Since postinor refers to potent hormonal drugs, it can have a negative effect on the body. Different women have different effects after taking postinor. It depends on the characteristics of the body of each of the fair sex and on the individual tolerability of the components of the drug. The most common consequences after applying postinor: vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities and hormonal disorders.

The instructions for postinor indicate all of the above side effects. Nevertheless, very often women complain of heavy bleeding in the first days after taking the drug, which does not stop for a long time - in this case, do not listen to anyone's advice, but you need to see a doctor urgently. At that time, your life and the lives of your future children will depend on the right decision.

Contraindications to postinor

Postinor is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Also, the drug is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

Physicians strongly recommend not to use postinor during puberty. Since at an early age the influence of postinor on the body is not fully understood.

Can I drink postinor?

This hormonal drug should be taken only in the most urgent cases, not more often than once a month. In no case should you take postinor as a regular contraceptive.

Before taking the drug, every woman should learn about the harm of postinor. The drug postinor is sold in each pharmacy, and the package includes a liner - a detailed summary of the application. But, unfortunately, even there is not indicated how the postinor affects our body. Before using tablets, you should carefully read this insert - because you take the drug at your own peril and risk. Do not forget, if after the first pill of postinor is observed a severe malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor.