Treatment of constipation in adults

Treatment of constipation in adults should be determined by their appearance and causes. The independent elimination of constipation without determining the factors that caused it is permissible only when this pathological condition is a single case or there is a need to quickly clear the intestine (for example, in preparation for diagnostic studies or surgery).

From a single case of stool delay can be eliminated with a laxative . Another option for getting rid of constipation is an enema. However, for the treatment of chronic constipation in adults, this technique is not used, because this can be addictive, as a result of which the peristalsis of the intestine is weakened. Therefore, the problem, eliminated for some time, may become worse in the future.

Methods of treatment of constipation in adults

It is recommended to adhere to several recommendations for the work of the intestine.

The correct diet and drinking regimen

Diet with a tendency to constipation provides for abundant use of foods that contain a large amount of fiber. It is recommended to eat more often:

Refuse should be from:

These products contain many essential oils that slow down peristalsis.

The functioning of the intestines is favorably influenced by rye bread, bread with bran, buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley, boiled on water with the addition of vegetable oil. It is necessary to use more liquid (at least 2 liters per day) to form a normal volume of stool.

Rejection of bad habits

It is recommended to refuse or minimize the reception of alcoholic beverages. alcohol causes dehydration of the body and has a negative effect on the tone of the smooth muscles of the hollow organs (causes spasms). Also should get rid of smoking, tk. nicotine also provokes the appearance of constipation.

Correct way of life

If you are addicted to constipation, you should increase your motor activity, go in for sports, exercise in the morning, or go on a daily walk in the fresh air. When sedentary work is recommended to periodically take breaks with physical activity. Some experts recommend practicing yoga, which includes exercises aimed at stimulating defecation. Also, it is necessary to observe the regime of the day, taking food and trying to empty the intestines at the same time.

Prevention of stressful conditions

As is known, one of the causes of constipation is the psychological factor and the state of the nervous system. Therefore, whenever possible, it is necessary to control one's psychological state, to avoid nervous and mental overstrain.

Preparations for the treatment of constipation in adults

There are several groups of laxative drugs for constipation in adults. With sluggish bowel motility, it is recommended to take drugs of irritant effect (for example, funds based on senna, buckthorn bark, bikasodila, etc.). But treatment with such drugs should not last more than ten days, and these drugs are contraindicated for the treatment of constipation in acute hemorrhoids.

Laxulose-based laxatives (Dufalac, Exportal, etc.) are characterized by milder action and safety. These drugs stimulate the growth of intestinal flora and increase the volume of fecal masses.

For a single emptying of the intestine, osmotic preparations are suitable ( Forlax , Fortrans , etc.). They are made on the basis of salts and promote the retention of water in the intestine.

With constipation of a spastic character, antispasmodics are prescribed (Papaverin, No-shpa, etc.), sedatives.