ALT and AST - the norm in women

The blood contains a huge number of different substances and elements. Most often we hear about red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets. They are told about them during the lessons of anatomy. In fact, in the school course, something is mentioned both about ALT and AST, and also their norm in women. But, as a rule, this information safely passes by the ears and is forgotten.

The norm of ALT and AST in the blood of women

These substances belong to the group of enzymes. AST - aspartate aminotransferase - a component of blood, which facilitates the movement of amino acid aspartate from one biomolecule to another. ALT - alanine aminotranserase - is an enzyme that performs a similar function by transporting alanine. Both that, and other substance is made intracellularly and in blood gets in a small amount.

According to the norms, ALT in the blood of women should not be more than 30 - 32 units per liter. And the number of ASTs can vary from 20 to 40 units. If the indicators deviate from the normal value to a greater or lesser extent, then the body is changing. And to make sure that they are not dangerous, it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist.

What are the deviations of AST and ALT from normal in the biochemical analysis of blood?

A small number of enzymes can also change in the body of a healthy person. Influence on this can:

Very often ALT exceeds the norm in pregnant women. Deviation is not considered a phenomenon, and it does not signal a disease.

The main reason is a change in the hormonal background. Usually, the level of enzymes very quickly returns to normal.

Critical is the deviation, in tens, and even hundreds of times different from the normal value. Above the ALT and AST norms, such factors are:
  1. Significantly increases the level of alanine aminotransferase in hepatitis. Sometimes, due to the analysis on ALT and AST, the "A" type ailment is determined even one week before the appearance of its first signs.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver - the disease is very secretive. For a long time his symptoms may go unnoticed. And the rapid fatigue characteristic for the disease is written off on the next bad day. If the feeling of fatigue tortures you with unenviable persistence, it is very desirable to pass a blood test. The level of alanine aminotransferase will show whether there is any cause for concern.
  3. Exceeding the norm of ALT and AST in the analysis may indicate myocardial infarction. The disease develops against the background of circulatory disturbances and is characterized by death of the heart tissue.
  4. Mononucleosis can also be determined by the number of enzymes. This is a disease of infectious origin, in which not only the composition of blood changes, but deformations of the liver and spleen are also observed.
  5. Signaling an increase in the amount of ALT and AST can also be about steatosis, a disease in which fat cells accumulate in the liver in large quantities.

In order for the analyzes to show a reliable picture, before surrendering them one should not eat heavy food, alcohol. If you are taking any medications, the doctor must be warned about this.

ALT and AST below normal

With a sharp decrease in aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotranserases, specialists encounter much less often. The most common problem is when: