Exercises on force

The strength of women in their femininity, we all know and actively use it. However, sometimes there are situations when a fragile lady would not be hampered by physical strength, even if not to fall face to face in front of others. It is for this purpose that girls should perform strength exercises, and especially for those who not for the first time notice excessive fatigue from physical exertion, lack of endurance and elementary strength.

In addition, muscle strength exercises increase the intake of calories by muscles, which means that such exercises will also help get rid of fat deposits and will be able to activate metabolism.


  1. In our complex for the development of strength will include exercises with dumbbells (you need 2 to 1 - 2 kg, and 2 to 3 -6 kg). And we will train the strength of the whole body.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart, inhale and stretch outward.
  3. We put our hands down and stretch out one by one.
  4. Hands in the lock before the chest, on exhalation stretch the arms forward and round the back, on the inspiration, the back is straightened, and the hands are returned to the FE.
  5. We stretch our arms up, connect them behind our backs and bend.
  6. We take dumbbells, knees are half-bent, we carry the weight of the body from one leg to the other. At the same time we bend and unbend our arms with dumbbells.
  7. The legs work the same way, and our arms are raised slightly above the shoulders.
  8. The legs continue to work, the arms are bent at the shoulder level, lift them up above the head, lower them into the FE. All the above exercises are designed to increase the strength of the legs.
  9. Knees bend, the body is tilted forward, on exhalation we lift hands on the sides. At the inspiration we lower it down.
  10. PI is the same, raise the bent arms along the ribs, so that the scapula closes together.
  11. IP - the same, bent hands (elbows look outward) raise to the chin, lower it to the FE.
  12. We go down to the floor, legs on the width of the pelvis, bent at the knees. In the initial position, the arms are bent at the chest level. On exhalation we stretch our arms upwards, the brushes are unfolded horizontally.
  13. We repeat the previous exercise, but at the extreme point we make a revolution with brushes.
  14. We stretch our arms upwards, we spread them on the sides by inhalation.
  15. We connect hands together, we lower them for a head on an exhalation. On inhalation we return them to the IP.
  16. Hands are extended upwards, on exhalation we do lifting of the case to knees, on inhalation we return to FE.
  17. We leave one dumbbell and clamp it between the knees. We tear off our legs from the floor, we make rides from one side to the other.
  18. We lay on our backs, stretch our arms and legs, stretching our spine.

These exercises will help you to improve the muscles of the legs, hands, as well as the press . Such a complex of exercises on strength can be performed three times a week. In addition, everyone knows that to improve stamina, you need to perform and aerobic exercise.