The garlic turns yellow on the bed - what can I do?

When growing garlic, a common problem is its yellowing. This situation can arise even in experienced truck farmers. Those who have first encountered this problem, the question arises: what if the garlic on the bed turns yellow?

Why does garlic turn yellow on the bed and what should I do?

There are the following situations when garlic has risen and turns yellow, and ways to decide what to do:

  1. Too early planting of winter garlic . If he was put in very early, he could freeze. Therefore, the optimal time for planting is the beginning or mid-October. Garlic is recommended to be planted at a depth of 5 cm and sprinkled with compost or humus from above.
  2. Spring frosts. In case the garlic was exposed to light frost, it should be immediately treated with a solution of Zircon, Epin or other stimulants.
  3. Increased acidity of the soil. In this case, it must be reduced by adding lime. Then the earth needs to be dug.
  4. Fungal diseases. To prevent their occurrence and development, it is best to prevent such diseases. To do this, before planting cloves of garlic should be placed for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or the preparation "Fitosporin". If such disinfection was not carried out before planting, then it is possible to sow the beds with these solutions.
  5. Lack of nutrients. This may be a lack of nitrogen or potassium. In order to compensate for it, appropriate fertilizers should be introduced in the early spring. For this, grooves 1-2 m in depth are made in the inter-row, complex mineral fertilizers are placed in granules, sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. You can also use foliar top dressing by spraying.
  6. Pests. The leaves of garlic can be attacked by the onion fly. In order to get rid of it, spray the plant with a saline solution (200 g of table salt per 10 liters of water).
  7. The stem onion nematode. This is the biggest trouble that can happen. It can exist in the soil for about 8-10 years, while living without water and without food. When affected, leaves of garlic turn yellow and twist. On the bottom of the bulb will be rotten roots and white or pinkish coating. In this case, only the destruction of plants and the planting of garlic in another place will be a solution. To contain the spread of the nematode, before planting it is recommended to keep cloves of garlic in hot water at a temperature of + 40-45 ° C for at least two hours. Another option would be to place them in a 3% solution of table salt at a temperature of + 20-22 ° C for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Too deep planting of garlic. In this case, it is necessary to remove a layer of earth from the bed.

What to do if garlic turns yellow - folk remedies

To combat pests that contribute to the yellowing of garlic, use such folk remedies:

Thus, knowing the necessary information, you will know how to save garlic when it turns yellow.