Predatory plants

Predatory plants can rarely be found in our houses: most of the house predatory plants are capricious to the surrounding conditions and require constant monitoring of the air and moisture in the apartment.

Let's try to remember together the names of predatory plants, which were most popular due to their beautiful appearance and special "bloodthirstiness".


It occurs in Texas, in southeastern Canada. The plant trap is a bright color leaf, collected in the likeness of a water lily or a funnel. Inside the funnel are digestive juices. From getting foreign objects and rain water juice protects the top sheet of sarracenia, performing the role of a canopy over the funnel. Insects, which the plant attracts with an unusually pleasant smell of nectar, slip inside the water lily and die there.

Carnivorous carnivorous plants in the home almost do not take root. An exception is only a few species, specially selected by breeders for cultivation at home. The plant is planted in acid, infertile, loose soils, watered with distilled water (in extreme cases, rainwater), provided with drainage so that the water does not stagnate. The best place for sarracenia in the apartment is the window sill. Lighting - intense, but from direct sunlight it is necessary to save. The plant is not frost-hardy, but can withstand a decrease in air temperature to + 15 ° C.


The second name - "monkey bowl" - the plant received because of it often drink the rain water of a monkey. Distributed in the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Australia, India and Borneo. As a trap, this flower also uses a funnel made of leaves.

The appearance of these plants is very unusual: a delicate jug of pink color is located on a thin mustache. The size of the jug is small - from 7 to 10 cm. The leaves of the plant are beautiful, similar to the leaves of water lilies.

Predatory plants of non-pence at home can be grown as ampel, in limbo. But to the conditions of the plant the plant will make high demands: diffuse light, temperature not lower than 20ºС without sharp fluctuations, very high humidity of air and soil. It is especially important when spraying do not allow moisture to enter the water lilies themselves, otherwise the water will mix with the digestive fluid, and the plant will simply "starve".


Rosyanka is a predatory plant, which can be found on almost all continents (except covered with ice). Its surface is covered with small glandular tentacles. The insect flies to a sweet smell, which emit tentacle secretions, and it turns tightly glued to the sticky surface.

Growing sundew at home is not easier than other domestic carnivorous plants, so that it still does, it is necessary to observe the following conditions:

  1. The pot should not be deeper than 10 cm. In a pot of sundew plant no other plants should be planted, but several types of sundew in one pot can perfectly coexist.
  2. Feeding sundew with insects should not be more than 2 times a week. In the rest of the time, you can lightly feed ordinary fertilizers for decorative and deciduous houseplants.
  3. Rosyanka can not be overfeeded with fertilizers - from this it will not grow faster, but can rot roots.
  4. It is possible and even necessary to place sundew in the aquarium (only if it is not supposed to keep fish there).

To grow a carnivorous plant at home, you can buy seeds of carnivorous plants, or use cuttings of adults grown up already. Both non-pendants and sundries grow well both from cuttings and from seeds.