Flower freesia

Increasingly, garden flowers are beginning to grow in indoor conditions. Here and bright, thin smelling freesia, moved from the garden to the windowsill. This foreigner came to us from South America. Therefore, to decorate your home with this bright plant, you need to know how to properly take care of it.

In this article, we look at what kinds of freesia can be grown at home, and what care they need.

Sorts of home freesia

As a room flower, you can only grow a hybrid hybrid, obtained as a result of crossing two garden species: Armstrong and Breast. Since it perfectly suits its size for growing in a pot: height - up to 60 cm, leaves - 20 cm, on a peduncle - 10-12 buds.

The freesia flowers themselves can be smooth or terry. It also increases the popularity of this plant in florists a wide variety of colors: from white to dark purple.

Its most popular varieties are: Miranda, Rosemary, Saint Malo, Pimpernel, Carmen, Royal Blue, Fentazi.

Care of home freesia

Freesia is a light-loving plant, so it must be placed on southern windows, with good light. Make sure that there are no drafts in its location, but it could be ventilated.

It is very important to maintain high humidity, for this plant itself, except for flowers and buds, should be constantly sprayed. Water the flower regularly, not allowing the drying of the soil. It especially needs moisture during flowering. In this case, it is necessary to avoid overmoistening. This can lead to decay of the roots.

In the phase of active growth, budding and flowering freesia must be fed. To do this, every 2 weeks, you should make a complex mineral fertilizer or simply add 3 g of potassium and 2 g of phosphorus to the water for irrigation.

A pot, chosen for planting a flower, should be spacious, as this bulbous plant. Especially beautiful look freesia of different colors (for example, white and red), planted in one container.

In order for a flower to develop well, the substrate for it must consist of the parts taken in equal parts:

  1. humus;
  2. peat ( peat tablets );
  3. leaf earth.

Home freesia blossoms at different times. It depends on when it was planted. Flowers appear about 5 months after planting the bulb.

Many people consider freesia to be a capricious flower, therefore it is obligatory to fulfill all the conditions for its cultivation.