Dandruff - treatment

Dandruff occasionally occurs in many people, and most often the cause of this is an incorrectly selected shampoo. However, it also happens that even after changing different types of shampoo, dandruff remains. In this case, we can talk about a disease that is caused by a metabolic disorder and a weak immune system.

Where does dandruff come from?

Dandruff are skin particles that peel off too quickly. This may be due to insufficient water intake or impaired metabolism, in which the sebaceous glands are too active or vice versa, not enough.

Violation of the work of saloaming is called seborrhea, which, as a rule, becomes the most frequent cause of dandruff, which for a long time does not pass after the change of cosmetic and detergents.

Another reason, because of which dandruff may occur, is fungal infection. Often, seborrhea and fungus combine together, and then the treatment should have two vectors.

Also, the appearance of dandruff affects the genetic factor, which should be taken into account in the treatment.

Treatment of hair from dandruff

If dandruff is caused by aggressive components of the shampoo, then it should be replaced by a more sparing. Most often, the formation of dandruff is promoted by shampoos from the professional series for use in the hairdressing business, so in the case of a tendency to dandruff, it is better to refuse them.

If dandruff is caused by seborrhoea, then you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Often it is caused by the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which is activated when the immune system is damaged, after stress, mental and physical stress, and also with malnutrition. Because of the fungus, the monthly exfoliation cycle takes only a week, and therefore a large number of formed scales is visible to the naked eye.

If dandruff occurred during pregnancy, then, most likely, this is a temporary problem that will be resolved after the body is restored after childbirth. During this period, a lot of changes occur in the body of a woman, including metabolism, so you should not worry about it. If the problem brings psychological discomfort, then it is better to use folk methods of treatment.

Treatment of dandruff should be comprehensive, and is aimed not only at the external effects of the scalp, but also on the correction of the sebaceous glands. Also in treatment it is important to pay attention to the general physical and mental state of the body, since general weakness, irritability, weak immunity contribute to the appearance of dandruff, which can be treated long, if not to eliminate the main causes of its appearance.

Pharmaceutical products for dandruff

Against dandruff, there are special medical shampoos that differ in their effects: thus, the first group has an antifungal effect, and the second - helps to slow the growth of epidermal cells. The latter funds are rarely used, and they often contain zinc, selenium and sulfur.

The next group of dandruff shampoos contains tar or tar, which contribute to the removal of excess sebum.

With severe dandruff, in addition to a special shampoo, use a 10% sulfuric ointment, which is rubbed into the scalp.

However, sometimes to get rid of dandruff it is enough to use a shampoo with a neutral pH, or choose one that contains a minimum of dyes, fragrances and silicone.

To solve internal problems, it is shown to give a general blood test, and at normal rates to drink a course of vitamin complexes.

Folk remedies against dandruff

Folk remedies for dandruff can be equally effective pharmacy, but on condition that the shampoo will have a neutral pH level.

Masks for hair against dandruff

Kefir mask

Take yogurt, rub it into the scalp and distribute it along the entire length of the hair. Leave it on the hair for 1 hour, then wash your head with shampoo. This kefir mask removes the itch of the scalp and reduces the amount of dandruff. This mask is indicated for oily seborrhea.

Burdock oil with a decoction of nettle

Take 5 tablespoons. burdock oil and 1 glass of strong nettle broth. Moisten hair and scalp with a decoction, and then apply burdock oil for 30 minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo. This mask is indicated for dry seborrhea.

Glycerin and onion juice

Take 50 g of glycerin and 10 tbsp. onion juice. Mix the ingredients, apply to the hair and scalp, and then, after 30 minutes, wash off the mask. This mask is indicated for those who suffer from a greasy form of seborrhea.