Hair loss after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth is the most important event in the life of every woman. How much joy and happiness brings the appearance of another young man! How many unforgettable emotions associated with every day of a new life! But this happy time has another dark side. Toxicosis and malaise, birth pains and postpartum health problems, sleepless nights at a baby crib and much more. One of these problems is hair loss after childbirth. This is what this article will discuss.

Why do hair leave your head?

First let's figure out what the reason for hair loss after birth is. To do this, we will have to turn to the physiology of the hormonal state of the pregnant woman and the woman who gave birth.

Probably, almost all pregnant women noticed that at the late terms of bearing the baby, the comb after the head is put in order remains perfectly clean. Not a single hair is pulled out. This is due to the high production of estrogen hormones by the body, aimed at growth and formation of the fetus. And since mother and child in this case are a single organism, the action of hormones extends to both the child and the mother. During this period of life, the woman is younger and the skin is renewed, nails and hair are growing intensively. The lady blooms like a May rose. But the baby was born, and the hormonal background slowly begins to change. The level of growth hormones is reduced, and after 3-4 months all their activity comes to naught. And it raced. The hair suddenly becomes dull and brittle and begins to actively leave the head. But do not panic. Such a strong hair loss after birth is natural. It will take 2-3 months, and everything will return to normal. You just need to give your head a little attention.

Treatment of hair loss after childbirth

Methods of treatment of hair loss after childbirth are many. And they are divided into two types - local and general. Common methods include course receptions of complex vitamins, the use of tableted calcium, observance of special diets for nursing mothers. And to the local - all kinds of compresses, masks and massages for the scalp. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Mask of rye bread. With hair loss after childbirth, this recipe is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, and no trouble with it. Take 2-3 large slices of rye bread, better than stale bread, and pour them with boiled water. After 5-6 hours, when the bread is dehydrated, apply rye gruel to the scalp with massaging movements. Then put on a polyethylene hat and wrap your head with a towel for 30 minutes. After that, wash off the mask with warm water without shampoo and rinse the hair with a decoction of nettle or chamomile. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.
  2. Mask of vitamin. This recipe is great for treating hair loss after childbirth. It will not only strengthen the roots, but also nourish the scalp and hair follicles with important components for hair growth. Mix the juice of one medium bulb, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 egg. Mix everything thoroughly and warm it in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. The resulting vitamin mixture is rubbed into the scalp by intense massaging movements, then wrap your head with a warm towel. Hold the mask for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo and rinse the hair with a nettle broth, or chamomile, or marigold, or any other herb available in the house. Course, as in the previous recipe.
  3. Elixir of growth. With hair loss after delivery, it is important not only to nourish the scalp with vitamins and minerals, but also to stimulate hair follicles to germinate new healthy strands. Perfect growth stimulants are acids and flammability, as they contribute to the inflow of blood to the hair follicles. After all, blood is the main source of nutrition and oxygen in the body. Of the acids, whey, kefir or sour milk are best. They are applied before washing for 20-30 minutes, and then the hair is rinsed with running water and herbal infusions. From the scalding juice of onion or garlic is well suited in a mixture with vegetable oil or herbal alcohol tinctures. The most commonly used tincture of red pepper and marigold. They can be used both before the bath and on clean hair.

Here are some simple ways to treat hair loss after childbirth. And one more tip - exclude from your life a hair dryer, it strongly sears hair, and combs choose only soft.