Paris Hilton stuck in the elevator with the Chinese

Poor girl Paris Hilton now and then gets into unpleasant situations. Recently, she was cruelly played, sitting in a supposedly falling plane. Now the secular lioness managed to get stuck in the elevator.

In the company with the Chinese

The incident occurred in Beijing in one of the skyscrapers. Paris was traveling in a crowded high-speed elevator, when there was a breakdown and the booth was stuck between the floors.

The light went out and the passengers began to wait with hope for the rescuers.


Despite the promptness of the repairmen, who arrived at the emergency site with lightning speed, the air in the elevator was running out quickly, the passengers found it hard to breathe.

The panic began ... People began to yell, call for help. Frightened Paris initially refused to believe in the reality of what was happening, then realizing that it was not just another unsuccessful joke that began to repeat loudly: "My God!".

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The rescue

The technicians eliminated the problem and the elevator moved down. The terrified Hilton did not continue to experience the fate, left the cabin at the first stop and preferred to use the stairs.