How to grow greens on a window sill?

Cultivation of greenery in the room conditions is quite feasible. It is not as acute as vegetables, it reacts to the small size of the pot, the lack of nutrients, and the lack of light. But for a full crop of greenery on additional lighting is still better to take care. What other conditions need to be provided when growing greenery on the windowsill - let's talk below.

What kind of greenery can be planted on the windowsill?

  1. Green onions are an ideal plant for growing on a windowsill.
  2. Cress salad - unpretentious in care, early and healthy.
  3. Leaf salad - Lollo Rosa and Lollo Bionda, Vitamin, New Year, Emerald lace.
  4. Parsley - you can sow seeds or plant roots with apical bud.
  5. Spinach - is rich in vitamins, which do not disappear during cooking and canning.

How to plant greens on the windowsill?

To germinate fresh greens on the windowsill in winter, we need the following:

  1. Boxes or pots. They can be ceramic, plastic. If you take pots, let them be a volume of 1-2 liters. The main thing is to have drainage holes on the bottom.
  2. Priming. In its composition, biohumus should be present. Ideally, as a primer should be coconut fiber and biohumus in a combination of 2: 1. But in principle, you can buy just a nutritious soil.
  3. Seeds or root crops. It is recommended to take early ripening varieties.

We pass directly to how to grow greens on the windowsill. So, at first we soak seeds for the night in warm water. In the morning, drain the water and soak in a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. By this we disinfect the seeds so that healthy plants grow out of them.

If you plant a bow or root of parsley, then they do not need to soak. Just drop them into the prepared soil.

At the bottom of the pots, drainage is small pebbles, make this layer 2-3 cm high. Top up the soil, leaving 3-4 cm to the edge of the pot free. Well water the soil with standing water. Dryed seeds after soaking are sown in pots in rows, in staggered or chaotic order.

Sprinkle seeds with a layer of earth in 1-2 cm, again a little watered and covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Now put all the pots on the windowsill and keep the temperature at +18 ° C.

We leave the pots until the first shoots appear. In parsley they appear on the 14th day, spinach - for 5-7 days. Seeds of onions grow long - 2-3 weeks, bulbs give arrows much earlier. Salad will rise on the 10th day.

Further care for herbs consists in moderate and regular watering, providing sufficient lighting, turning around the axis during the day, maintaining the optimum temperature, periodically spraying from the spray.