How is ureaplasmosis treated?

Many women, faced with such a disease as ureaplasmosis, think about how to treat it. As you know, the ureaplasmas themselves are related to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, therefore the treatment of the disease can not be performed for a long time. However, in such situations as pregnancy and gynecological operations, therapy of the disease is mandatory.

How is ureaplasmosis treated?

Like any other infection, which is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse, ureaplasmosis requires the treatment of both sex partners at once. Therefore, before treating the identified ureaplasmosis in women, a survey and her sexual partner is prescribed. In most cases, the disease in men is almost not manifested, and does not cause them inconvenience. However, this does not mean that it does not require treatment.

For the treatment of ureaplasmosis, antibacterial drugs are used primarily. It is necessary to take into account all the features of the disease. Therefore, all appointments should be carried out exclusively by a doctor.

If we talk about what drugs to treat ureaplasmosis, it is, first of all, it is Wilprafen, and also Unidox, Solutab. Excellent cope with the pathogen and Azithromycin and Clarithromycin . According to statistical indicators, the effectiveness of treatment of pathology with these drugs reaches almost 90%.

How is ureaplasmosis treated in pregnant women?

It is known that pregnancy is a special "condition" of the body, in which the effect of medication on it should be minimized. Therefore, before treating ureaplasmosis with the current pregnancy, the woman is carefully examined. If the problem is detected at an early stage, then the therapy is avoided, waiting for 20-22 weeks. Therefore, whether it is necessary now to treat a ureaplasmosis, in each concrete case the doctor solves.