Menopause in women

In a woman's life, there are several different periods of hormonal changes in the body. One of them is menopause. Often this phase is perceived by a beautiful half of humanity is very painful, although it is a completely normal physiological stage. Let us consider in more detail what the climax is related to, and how to treat it correctly.

When do women have menopause?

During menopause in the female body, the production of sex hormones is dramatically reduced, as a result of which the ovaries lose activity, and the childbearing ability decreases. This process takes place in three stages:

  1. Premenopause. In this period, the concentration of estrogen in the blood gradually decreases, the monthly ones become more scarce and eventually cease altogether.
  2. Menopause. Complete absence of menstruation for more than a year.
  3. Postmenopause. Absolute loss of ovarian activity, lack of development of sex hormones.

The onset of menopause in women falls on the age of 40-45 years.

How long does menopause last?

The whole process takes about 10 years, so a complete halt in the production of hormones and reproductive functions occurs by 52-58 years. The premenopausal period takes 5 years and is the most difficult phase. The duration of menopause in women can vary depending on lifestyle, general condition of the body and hormonal background.

How does menopause develop and manifest in women?

Approximately after 45 years, the menstrual cycle is broken, the allocation becomes meager and short, which indicates the beginning of the premenopausal stage. In some cases, this phase does not cause any special concerns, but the vast majority notice such manifestations of menopause in women:

It is worth noting that all the symptoms are treatable, especially if you turn to a specialist in time and adjust yourself positively. When women have a climacteric, this does not mean that life has ended. Simply, the body is rebuilt in accordance with its age requirements, and it should be treated calmly, without unnecessary stress.

Early menopause in women - causes

In recent times, the incidence of menopause at the age of 30-36 years. Possible factors that cause this phenomenon:

excess weight;

Symptoms of early menopause in women are similar to the above manifestations of climacteric syndrome.

Late menopause in women

Just like the early, late climax is also not the norm. If menopause has not occurred after 55 years, there is an occasion to visit a gynecologist for a comprehensive examination. The reasons for the delay of the climacteric period:

Allocations in women with menopause

After the onset of menopause, there should be no discharge from the uterus. They appear in two cases:

  1. Hormone replacement therapy. This method is used to treat the severe symptoms of climacteric syndrome and consists in the systemic administration of progesterone. During therapy, the cycle can be restored for a while. In this case, menstruation is short (up to 4 days) and without clots.
  2. Uterine bleeding. The reason for such discharge should be checked with a doctor, as prolonged bleeding may be a sign of cancer.