Neurotic disorders

Neurotic disorder or as it is also called neurosis is a collective name for a group of reversible psychological disorders that are prone to long-term course.

Neurotic personality disorders are not broken by all the mechanisms of mental activity in general, but only by certain spheres of psychic activity. They do not lead to significant violations of behavior, but have a significant impact on the quality of life.

The neurotic group does not include neurotic symptoms accompanying other mental and neurological diseases. Recently, we can talk about the multiple increase in the number of people suffering from these disorders. According to the latest data, the prevalence of neuroses is from 2 to 76 per 1000 of the population among men and from 4 to 167 per 1,000 in women.

Types of neurotic disorders

  1. Anxious neurotic disorder. One of the most common forms of this pathology. To the psychological manifestations of anxiety - phobic disorders, panic attacks first of all.
  2. Hysterical disorders. Hysterical reactions tend to have a tendency for infantile personalities who possess: the lack of independence of judgments, high level of suggestibility, emotional immaturity, mild excitability, impressionability. It is also worth noting that this form of pathology is observed in women 2 times more often than in men.
  3. Neurasthenia. With such a disorder, complaints of "unbearable fatigue", a decrease in vitality, a decline in strength, weakness, and intolerance to previously habitual loads predominate. Each action requires a huge volitional effort. Such patients are very sensitive to external stimuli, loud sounds and physiological sensations.
  4. Neurotic sleep disorder. With various forms of disorders, the sleep process also suffers. Most often there is a disturbance of falling asleep, which often provokes the aggravation of neuroses. Also there are disorders of awakening from sleep, they are characterized by the fact that a person already awake for a while can not distinguish a dream from reality.

Neurotic disorders - symptoms

Among the most pronounced symptoms can be identified such as:

Neurotic disorders are the causes

Causes of neuroses are very rarely any sudden traumatic events such as: death of loved ones or an accident. Most often they are caused by not significant, but rather long-acting stimuli on the person, leading to a constant nervous tension. To date, the most likely causes of neuroses may be events that threaten the future, provoke the uncertainty of the situation or require alternative solutions.

Treatment of neurotic disorders

Help of patients of this type provides for a whole complex of medical measures. Along with the psychotherapeutic effect, pharmacological and restorative treatments are also used. Also, the healing procedures are well influenced by physiotherapy procedures. The treatment of such people is best conducted in specialized institutions, they are often called sanatorium-type institutions.

Prophylaxis of neurotic disorders should consist of a number of social activities aimed at creating favorable family-household, labor, educational conditions, neutralizing emotional tension and fighting stressful factors.