The magic of Voodoo for attracting money, love and luck

Over the centuries, people have resorted to the help of the magic celestial circle to achieve the desired goal, whether in personal life or in professional activity. Among all the list of otherworldly forces, the Voodoo magic is considered the most powerful and effective, therefore it is recommended to use it very carefully.

Religion of Voodoo

The obsession with Voodoo is an ancient pagan religion, based on the worship of spiritual guides, nature, elements and trees. The magic of Voodoo is also characterized by some kind of totemism. Based on the foregoing, you can understand that this religion is not so terrible, as they say about it. In some ways, it even resembles the creed of the ancient Slavs, who also worshiped deity, nature and elements.

At the present time, there are a huge number of currents of Voodoo magic practicing independent directions, among which there are sacrifices, both animal and human. Each of the directions of this religion has its own characteristics, and not all people who offer the services of such a plan are aware of how this or that ritual should actually look like, so that the end result coincides with the client's wishes.

What does the Voodoo doll look like?

In the minds of most of us sat the image of a magical object, which, to put it mildly, has an unpleasant appearance. The dreadful Voodoo doll haunts us from horror films that expose these small rag creatures with certain monsters carrying a violent force. But this is by no means the case. Such dolls are used not only to create spoiling or other atrocities, as many people are used to thinking. For example, dolls for attraction of a financial stream can have quite nice appearance.

Yes, most of these magical things have an awkward appearance and ugly grimaces. This is due to the fact that people do not invest in the manufacture of such magical objects, no soul, no positive emotions. Hence, they are obtained, so to speak, "in a hurry." And it makes no sense to make a product painstakingly, if, for example, a Voodoo doll is made to get rid of evil neighbors, who already take away their personal time to clarify the relationship.

Voodoo doll with my own hands at home

Previously, magicians and sorcerers were exclusively engaged in making such magical attributes, which were endowed with special power. At the present time, Voodoo dolls are made by their own hands, and it does not matter at all whether a person has magical abilities or not, and that the object really turned out magical and did not harm its owner (and this can be), it is necessary to make it correctly.

A step-by-step instruction for creating a Voodoo doll:

  1. We take two wooden sticks and fasten them together in the form of a cross, using thick threads for this. So our future product will outwardly resemble the silhouette of a doll. The main condition - you need to cut off the twigs with your own hands two or three days before the production of the attribute.
  2. The next step is tying the doll with fabric cuts. This will give the product volume. As a filling of the trunk, you can use cereals. Also, with the help of legumes, you can designate the eyes and the distinctive features of the person for whom this doll is made.

If you want the doll to turn out to be very strong and help you achieve your goal, then you can use the biological material of the person to whom the magic attribute is made. It can be nails, hair, eyelashes and even blood, which are hidden inside the product. Next, you need to give the name of the doll: "Your name is" The Name of a Man, "with this doll you are now a whole. What is with it, then with you. Let it be the way I want it . "

That, in fact, and the whole process of creating a doll Voodoo. Remember, it does not matter which materials you use to create it - expensive or cheap. The main thing with what thoughts and feelings it is done. In the head there must be clarity a clear understanding of why such a magical attribute is created. It is important to visualize a person in front of him, the prototype of which is transferred to a doll.

Magic Voodoo - practice of rituals and spells

For many of us this religion is an evil sorcery, but this is by no means the case. The black magic of Voodoo is only part of the whole direction. In itself, the religious faith of Voodoo is based on harmlessness towards man and it is directed to help the believer in this deity to gain only the benefit, without offending any outsiders.

Voodoo Magic to Attract Money

Many seek financial well-being in different ways. Someone is working hard, for someone this is not a goal in life, but someone in this helps the doll Voodoo to attract money. Such magical attributes, like any other pagan objects or amulets for attracting money, work only if they are made according to all the rules.

To create such a doll you need the following things:


  1. We tie two branches with threads crosswise.
  2. Throwing a finger in the clove oil, we slip every coin and put it on the cloth.
  3. we connect the material in the form of a pouch so that the coins remain inside and do not fall out. Fix a thread with a thread.
  4. We dress the doll, wrapping it in a cloth and fixing it all with the same threads. We fasten the money bag to the trunk of the doll.
  5. We put the doll in a piggy bank or tie it to it (for lack of a large hole in it), uttering during this the following words: "O Gods, hear me! I offer you my fragrant treasures. Answer me with a generous coin, give gold to the untold. Let the riches go to me untold and the mountains of gold! "

The love spell for the Voodoo doll

Many girls resort to using this magical paraphernalia to win the attention and heart of the lover. Voodoo doll for love is made according to the scheme indicated above (where the biological material was used). In this case it is necessary to get hair, eyelashes, fingernails, blood or saliva of the person whom we want to bewitch. As soon as the doll is done and the name of the chosen one is given, it is necessary to pierce your finger before the drop of blood appears and touch the heart of the doll, three times uttering these words: "Beloved, be my forever!" .

Voodoo doll for luck

Nowadays, many people, to attract good luck, make various kinds of attributes, using for this purpose the magic of Voodoo. It can be like dolls stuffed with vervain, dry chamomile flowers using aromatic mint and honeysuckle oil, as well as coins or pendants. Those who ask how to get rid of Voodoo magic most probably do not know that with the help of these secret knowledge one can not only perform terrible rituals, calling evil on the enemies.

Voodoo doll for losing weight

For those who want to get rid of excess body weight, you can try to do this using a special ritual. Powerful magic Voodoo involves the production of dolls of wax, which in appearance will remind the one who conducts the ritual. Reading the plot an odd number of times: "As I remove the wax, so let my extra pounds be removed forever and ever!" , Gradually bring the silhouette of the figure to the desired result.

The turn of Voodoo on the opponent

Use the magic of such a plan can also be in the fight against obsessive rivals. Voodoo conspiracy will quickly and "painlessly" get rid of her husband's mistress or simply from a girl who pretends to be your chosen one. This will require the biological material of the rival, which must be laid in the basis of the doll. Thirteen times the following words will be pronounced, while tying the eyes of the doll: "I am washing away from your soul and the heart of my beloved (name of the chosen one). How your eyes are tied up, so let it go and you will not see it again! "

How to get rid of the magic of Voodoo?

The simplest way to protect yourself from the negative effects of Voodoo magic is never to mess with it. If you have already come into contact with this force, you will most likely need protection from Voodoo in order to carry out the rite without pain and get rid of the attribute itself. Experienced magicians and sorcerers advise winding dolls that have already passed the ritual into white unused material, after which they must be buried under a lone tree in a place where no one can find them.

Why is the magic of Voodoo dangerous?

Absolutely all magical rituals and objects can do harm if done incorrectly. For example, the doll Voodoo - the consequences of improper manufacturing can be very different, ranging from mild illnesses, and ending with the complication of fate. In the latter case, you can lose all life's benefits: happiness, money, love, health, etc. And it is important to remember, if you do everything according to the rules, then no rite will not have an opposition.