Endometriosis - treatment at home

The diagnosis of "endometriosis" means that a woman will have a long and complex treatment, consisting of a whole complex of medical measures. A gynecologist will prescribe hormonal drugs and ancillary procedures to alleviate the condition and reduce the symptoms of the disease. But the woman also should not sit idly by, she can help her body by conducting her own maintenance treatment of endometriosis at home.

How to cure endometriosis with folk remedies?

Before choosing the traditional medicine for the treatment of endometriosis, you need to decide in which directions natural medicines should act. First, they should normalize the hormonal background, selectively affect the various sex glands. Secondly, to have an antitumor effect to directly affect the endometriosis foci. Thirdly, to maintain the vitality of the body should strengthen immunity, carry out vitaminization and mineralization.

Endometriosis: folk methods of treatment

Phytotherapy with respect to endometriosis has powerful means, such as alcohol tinctures of meadow, klopogon, Dahurian, hemlock, Okhotsk prince. They are used as a means to cure endometriosis without hormones: these drugs have gonadotropic properties, regulating hormones that affect the development of endometriosis. These plants are poisonous, so they give a quick and strong result, but can only be applied under the supervision of an experienced phytotherapeutist because of the likelihood of side effects.

For self-application it is possible to recommend herbs with softer action: angelica, rhodiola, lavender, primrose, borax, wormwood, oregano, lemon balm, hops. Decoctions and infusions from these plants should be taken quite a long time to normalize the hormonal background.

To inhibit the development and spread of foci of endometriosis, antitumor grasses should be used. These include: hemlock, celandine, mistletoe white, Tatar cocklebur, cocklebur sparrow, sabernik, burdock, sweet clover, Veronica, and a number of other medicinal plants. In some cases, the regular use of infusions leads to a reduction and elimination of endometriosis proliferation.

To maintain the body's defenses, you can drink tincture of Echinacea, vitamin teas and doses and other immunostimulating agents.

Other non-traditional methods of treatment of endometriosis

To treat endometriosis is important and the correct psychological attitude of patients. Relieve nervousness, restore full sleep help antidepressant and sedatives (valerian, motherwort).

It is also necessary to get rid of stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis of a woman. For this, the best remedy is the treatment with leeches ( hirudotherapy ).