Food from polymer clay

Modeling is familiar to many from early childhood. She perfectly develops the fine motor skills of the little ones, introduces children to the world of fine art and allows her fantasies to be realized. For these purposes, many different materials have been invented, but the most modern tool is polymer clay. It's easy to work with, but the products are bright and strong enough. Children, as a rule, mold from polymer clay food for their dolls, and adults create beautiful decorations, small toys and, of course, help their creators.

How to make food from polymer clay?

At present, food products created with their own hands from this material are very popular. Miniature food from polymer clay is not only "fed" toys, but also decorate kitchen utensils, create with its help key rings, earrings , etc. The products that we propose to produce are very simple to perform, and how to mold food from polymer clay will help to understand our master classes.

"Festive roll"

To make it, you will need: a piece of white and yellow clay, a roll for rolling, a color tint "Chocolate", a brush for shading:

  1. We knead separately white and yellow pieces of polymer clay.
  2. Roll them into rectangles (the yellow should be a bit larger than the white one).
  3. We put white clay on top of yellow.
  4. We take the toning powder to give a "golden crust".
  5. We begin to roll clay into a roll, rubbing powder and shading with a brush.
  6. After the roll rolled, from the top plentifully sprinkle powder and shade.
  7. "Festive roll" is ready.
  8. Now cut it into pieces and put it "baked" in the oven.

"Bagel for Masha"

Food for dolls from polymer clay is very diverse and it is possible to fashion anything from it, but this master class about one of the most popular delicacies in the whole world is a bagel.

To do this you will need a clay of light brown and dark brown colors, as well as a colorful material for decoration.

So, first you need to twist a small sausage and tear the edges, making a circle. Next, make a hole and roll out a round layer of the future "glaze". Cover the bagel with glaze, make a hole and put "baked". After the product is cooked and cooled, it is varnished and decorated with decor.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is not very difficult to fashion food from polymer clay according to the photo. Of course, there are very complex products, starting to work on which, the master should have some experience. However, for the baby you can pick up simple "goodies", which will be interesting for him and his parents.