Symptoms of menopause in women in 40 years

Climax sooner or later comes absolutely every woman. This period entails a gradual loss of reproductive function and is characterized by very serious changes in the hormonal background. As a rule, women after 48-50 years are already ready for the fact that in their body will soon come a global restructuring, so they are not surprised at all about the changes.

Meanwhile, in some cases, menopause can happen much earlier than a woman expected, so she can be taken by surprise and seriously frightened. To prevent this, every woman after 40 years must understand what symptoms of menopause exist.

Can the climax begin in 40 years?

Many women doubt whether climax can occur in 40 years, and therefore all the changes that occur with them are associated with manifestations of various diseases of the genital area. Indeed, at this age only a small part of women face the first manifestations of the climacteric period, however, this phenomenon is quite possible and, as a rule, it is associated with dysfunction of the ovaries.

Of course, the early menopause at age 40 is not the most pleasant event, however, it should not be taken as a serious disease, as this is a natural process that some women experience a little earlier than others. Such a phenomenon can not be delayed, as it can be a consequence of both acquired and inherent factors. In particular, the causes of early menopause in 40 years may be as follows:

Naturally, women, who due to various factors may be predisposed to the early menopause, should pay special attention to their health and carefully note the manifestations of symptoms that may indicate its onset.

The first signs of menopause in women in 40 years old

The early menopause in women at age 40 can be suspected for the following symptoms:

  1. Tides. Very unpleasant phenomenon, which can occur from 1-2 to 50 times a day. Characterized by the unexpected appearance of a feeling of intense heat, increased sweating, redness of the face and neck. In most cases, tides last no more than one minute, but despite this, they give the woman a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Sleep disturbances. Very often, a woman who has an early menopause overcomes the sleepiness throughout the day, however, insomnia starts to torment her in the evening.
  3. Headache. It can occur quite often, while its character, as a rule, is unstable.
  4. Sharp changes in the emotional background, when unexpected fun is suddenly replaced by bouts of crying or incredibly violent irritation. Usually it gives discomfort not only to the woman herself, but also to her relatives, which is why many families often have a disagreement.
  5. Dryness and other uncomfortable sensations in the vagina may also indicate the onset of menopause. Such an unpleasant feeling often causes a woman to give up her sexual life.
  6. Finally, the most important symptom of the onset of menopause is the change in the nature of menstruation. During this period, menstrual periods occur irregularly, become very scarce, and after a while they disappear altogether.