Submucous uterine myoma - treatment

Literally a few years ago, treatment of submucous myoma implied only direct surgical intervention. But the direct removal of submucous myoma was an extremely dangerous treatment, the adverse effects of which could be detrimental to the further health of the woman who underwent such surgery.

Despite the fact that submucous uterine myoma is a benign tumor, it can significantly affect the childbearing function. During the development of the fetus, the tumor can begin to rapidly increase and displace the fetus, which often leads to miscarriages . If the patient had a submucous uterine fibroids, the operation was the only way to protect the woman's life, and according to luck, the fetus.

But more recently, it became possible to apply for a disease such as submucous uterine fibroids, treatment without surgery. As a rule, this method of treatment implies taking hormonal medications with the use of medicines designed to reduce the symptoms that accompany the course of the disease.

If the disease is found when the uterine myoma is still a small submucous node, treatment in a conservative way is more acceptable, since it can quickly reduce the tumor that has not yet developed inside the woman.

Medicines for the treatment of uterine fibroids

This non-surgical treatment implies the use of the following hormonal drugs.

  1. Antigonadotropins. Gestrinone was widely used among drugs belonging to this group. This agent is used to prevent the growth of fibroids, but does not affect its decrease.
  2. Agonists of gonadotropic releasing hormones. Basically, such drugs as Buserelin, Goserelin, Zoladex and Tryptorelin are used. It is these drugs that can reduce the tumor that has not yet developed, and also relieve the risk of intrauterine bleeding and pain.