Submucous uterine myoma

Myoma of the uterus - a benign tumor, formed from the muscle nodes. This neoplasm is classified by location, depending on the direction of growth. One form is submucous or submucosal uterine myoma, it occurs in about 32% of cases. Its characteristic feature is especially rapid growth and expressed signs of the presence of a tumor.

Submucous uterine myoma - symptoms

Diagnostics uses radiography and ultrasound, which determines the nature of uterine fibroids and the location of the submucosal node, which may be located in the uterine wall, its cavity or be multiple.

Submucous uterine myoma - the causes

The causes of myoma formation are not known reliably, but it is believed that this disease can lead to:

Factors that directly contribute to the growth of submucous nodes:

Submucous uterine myoma and pregnancy

If the uterine myoma is small, it does not prevent a woman from becoming pregnant, since it does not prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. But if submucous myoma grows into the lumen of the uterus, it hinders the growth of the embryo, and can also provoke miscarriages after 11 weeks.

Submucous uterine myoma - treatment

More recently, this diagnosis was a sentence for a woman who deprived her of the possibility of childbearing, since the only method of treatment was removal of the uterus. Now, thanks to the development of medicine and technology, operative treatment became possible with the possibility of preserving the main female organ.

The question of the scope of surgical intervention is decided individually and depends not only on a woman's desire to maintain menstrual and reproductive functions, but also on the size and type of the submucosal node and the presence of concomitant complications.

Removal of submucous fibroids can be carried out in two ways - traditional, performing abdominal and endoscopic - laparoscopy or hysteroscopy.

If the size of the submucous uterine myoma exceeds 5 centimeters, it is difficult to completely remove it in one operation, therefore, medicines are used to prepare for it, creating a hormonal background similar to postmenopausal in the body.


Unfortunately, even with successful treatment while maintaining the uterus, the probability of repeated occurrence of fibroids remains. Therefore, women who have undergone the removal of fibroids need to be screened regularly to detect the disease at an early stage, so long as the opportunity remains to preserve the uterus.