Amphitheater Ohrid

Amphitheater Ohrid - a large antique theater in the open air. It is one of the main attractions of Macedonia , as it is the only ancient Greek theater that has been perfectly preserved. He is more than 2,5 thousand years old, but due to the fact that the amphitheater has spent many centuries underground, it practically did not succumb to destruction.


The Amphitheater of Ohrid is a living story about the amazing and legendary events that took place here, for example, during the Roman Empire, the building was used to conduct gladiatorial fights, which for sure were watched by the most notable people whose names are immortalized on the stones of the theater. Surprisingly, this magnificent historical find was found by accident. The city authorities appreciate their history and when there was a need to build a new house in this place, archaeologists were invited to begin with, who had to confirm that no significant historical finds are stored in the ground, but when the excavations began, scientists discovered two stones, on which was depicted the god Dionysius - patron of the fun.

The find was so valuable that the excavations were continued, and the construction of the house was temporarily forgotten. What a surprise when archaeologists stumbled upon the ancient Greek amphitheater, it is known that it was destroyed. In the years of the Roman Empire, many Christians were executed at this place in order to fight against Orthodoxy, and as soon as the Roman Empire ceased to exist, Christians destroyed the hateful place and filled it with sand so that it did not remind them of terrible events.

Musical festival in the amphitheater

Macedonians are very honored their traditions and love various celebrations, festivals and festivals. Every year in the summer in the city of Ohrid a music festival is held, which attracts musicians and spectators from around the world. It was first organized in 1960 and since then it has been held in the church of St. Sophia for several years. Then it was not known about the ancient amphitheater, located in Ohrid, but once it was restored, it was decided to move the festival to this amazing place. Since then, the venue has not changed. Ohrid Music Festival is so popular that you need to buy tickets long before the start.

If you do not have time to do this, then do not be upset, because the amphitheater serves as an arena for many events of different levels. There are local bands, professionals and amateurs put on stage productions, and circus performers surprise spectators with their tricks.

How to get to the theater?

The city itself can be reached by plane, which lands at one of the airports in Macedonia , located 7 km north-west of the city center. Public transport from the airport to the amphitheater does not go, so you need to take a taxi. Choosing this option, please note that flights are only charter flights and only in the summer.

A more reliable option is a car. Departing from Greece, you need to go on the highway M75, then drive Prilep and Bitulo. If you keep the path from Tirana , then there is only one option - the western shore. But keep in mind that you will not get to the amphitheater, as it is the center of the city and there are very few parking places and not all roads are designed for cars, so look ahead to a parking lot nearby or choose a hotel with a parking where you could leave the car .