Gypsy fortune-telling on maps

Gypsies are an amazing people, which since ancient times is famous for its abilities to divination, predictions and hypnosis. There are special guess-works on gypsy fortune-telling cards, but they are not so easy to find, so guessing on them is not so simple and accessible. However, any gypsy will tell the fate and after a quick gypsy fortune-telling on simple playing cards.

Gypsy fortune-telling on 10 maps

Many believe that only guessing on the gypsy cards "Tsyganochka" can give concrete results. However, in order to learn all the most important, it is not necessary to acquire any special tools. You can conduct a gypsy fortune-telling on 36 maps, which you can buy anywhere. If you have such a deck and have never played it, it is quite suitable for predictions. If the deck was used earlier for the game, you can not guess: the cards will tell a lie.

So, take a new deck, shuffle, remove the left hand to the heart and lay three rows of three cards, and the last, the tenth, put in the center below. The top row is your past, the middle one is the present and the nearest future, the lower is the future. The last card indicates what's on your heart and portends the most important events for you.

As a rule, such guessing on maps, like a gypsy outlook, gives a very deep knowledge and a good understanding of the situation.

General gypsy alignment

Shuffle the deck, slide it with your left hand to the heart, and in order put 7 cards: first in the center, and the rest below in two columns of 3 cards. You need to understand them like this:

  1. 1 - how are things going;
  2. 2 - how a person tries to show this situation to others;
  3. 3 - what hides;
  4. 4 - what he wants, what he wants;
  5. 5 - what will come of it;
  6. 6 - what will it give in the future;
  7. 7 - how this will affect life.

To interpret both that and the divination is necessary proceeding from the classical way of definition of maps on values. In addition, if the value of any map from this scenario is not very clear, you should take one card from the deck at random and put it next to an incomprehensible map. So you can clarify the meaning. It is not necessary to report a supplement to each card - use it only where it really is necessary.

Gypsy guessing: the meaning of cards

As a rule, all the crosses are important, talking about business, work, finances, all diamonds designate something that relates to your personality, hearts - cardiac affairs and peaks - various anxieties and problems. In addition, there is a separate value for each card:





Each of these cards has its own meaning, but it is necessary to perceive them in combination with a number of standing cards. Play with meanings, make up phrases and you decipher the prediction of gypsy fortune telling.