5 months to the child - what the baby can do, and how to develop it correctly?

When the child turns 5 months old, a lot of changes take place in the life of the baby and his environment. This period can be considered a stage of consolidation and improvement of the acquired skills and the transition to a new, more active way of life. To develop the crumbs and continue to flow harmoniously, parents need to know the characteristics of this child age.

Height and weight of the child in 5 months

One of the main indicators of the physical development and health of the baby is body weight and growth, so their normal (average) values ​​are of interest to all caring parents. The weight of a child at 5 months is often twice that which was recorded immediately after birth. That is, the weight is considered to be between 6.1 and 7.8 kg for girls and 6.7 to 8.4 kg for boys. As for growth, for girls it should be about 61.7-66.3 cm, and for boys - 63.7-68.1 cm.

Other physiological changes are also noticeable:

Nutrition of the child in 5 months

Many parents are wondering what a child can do in 5 months, how to properly organize his meals at this age. As before, the main dish for the baby remains breast milk or an adapted milk formula, but for some children, it may already be necessary to introduce complementary foods. This is decided individually, and the pediatrician, and not the mother, should establish, given a number of factors:

The child's menu at 5 months on the GW

A healthy baby, who is breast-fed, is not recommended until the age of six months is reached. Mom should only watch for their own nutrition, which should be full, rich in vitamins and minerals, so that the milk matched the biological needs of the baby. The lure of a child in 5 months may be required if the doctor diagnoses weight shortage, lag in physical development or mama has a bad lactation.

As the first "adult" dish, experts advise offering a monocomponent product - porridge (rice, oats, buckwheat) or vegetable puree (squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli). You need to start with 0.5-1 teaspoonful, gradually increasing the volume to 100-150 g and replacing the lactation with one feeding. In some cases, with a poor body weight, specialists can recommend not complementary feeding, and complementary feeding with a mixture.

Nutrition of the child for IV in 5 months

The baby's menu should be supplemented with lure in 5 months if the following signs are noted, which indicate that he is ready to expand the diet:

For artificial persons, cereal cereal or vegetable puree is also recommended as the first food . In this case, if the baby periodically disturbs the constipation, it is better to start with vegetables, and if diarrhea or weight is very small, it is more rational to introduce porridge at first. As to how much the child eats at 5 months, there are such approximate norms: food 5-6 times a day, the total amount of food eaten is 900-1000 g. Simultaneously with the introduction of complementary foods, it is recommended to offer crumbs of water - not more than 50 ml per day.

Child's regime in 5 months

Often the baby at 5 months adheres to the same regime as before. A significant role in the daily routine is active leisure, important for physical, mental, emotional development. The periods of wakefulness, on average, are 2-2.5 hours between pauses to restore strength. Meals - every 3-3.5 hours. In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to spend time on hygiene procedures and gymnastics. During the day, as much time as possible should be devoted to games, communication, walks. Before a night's sleep, it will be helpful to have a relaxing massage and bathing in the bath.

It should be understood that at this age there is still no need to tightly tie the mode to the clock. It is important to observe a more or less constant rhythm of rest, activity of feeding, which must correspond to the biorhythm of the baby and mother, meet the physiological needs of the crumbs. The time of morning awakening and going to sleep at night can be individual in every family.

How much does the baby sleep in 5 months?

Often a five-month-old child sleeps 14-16 hours, about 10 of which fall at night. During the day, the baby can sleep three times for 1.5-2 hours. Toddlers who are breastfed at the beginning of this period can still wake up a couple of times a night, applying to the chest, but closer to six months of age, most children sleep hard all night.

The child does not sleep well for 5 months

A full-fledged sleep for the child, especially the night, is very important not only for the body, but also for the work of the brain. While the baby sleeps, all the information received is analyzed, ordered and digested, growth hormones are produced, and energy resources are accumulated. If a five-month-old child often wakes up at night, it can affect his development, the state of the nervous system, so it is necessary to find out the causes and normalize the child's sleep. Probable triggers of sleep disturbances, if 5 months old to a child, may be:

Child development in 5 months

The real pleasure is to observe how the baby develops in 5 months. Already from this period he becomes a full-fledged participant in everything that happens around, interaction with family members. It is not safe for a crumb to leave one for long, as his movements become more active. The most convenient place for him is a carpet or a blanket spread on the floor where he can improve his skills and learn everything that surrounds him. More details about what the baby can do in 5 months, we will consider further.

What can a child do in 5 months?

We list all the most important things that a kid should be able to do in 5 months:

How to develop a baby in 5 months?

A five-month-old child, whose development should take place in close connection with the games, during waking periods does not miss the opportunity to learn and learn something new, and it is the parents' responsibility to encourage the aspirations of the baby. So, one can not be discouraged if he takes his own pens or legs, various toys (just to make sure that they are safe). In addition, when 5 months for a child, for its comprehensive development, parents need:

  1. Show surrounding objects, calling them (not only located nearby, but also distant).
  2. Encourage the crumb to take toys located at arm's length when he lies on his stomach.
  3. To urge to crawl, substituting for the legs of the young man's palm, from which he can push off.
  4. To acquaint with the meaning of the words "on", "take", accompanying them with appropriate gestures.
  5. Read the toddler books, necessarily giving the opportunity to view colorful pictures, touch.

Lessons with the baby 5 months

Daily it is recommended to give time to games for kids 5 months. Fascinating games are useful and useful at this age: "Forty-crow", "Ladushki", "We shared an orange" and the like. In addition, you can play with the baby in the game "Hide and Seek", using its various variations: closing your eyes with your eyes, closing the eyes of the baby, hiding your face behind the handkerchief, hiding behind the furniture, hiding toys under the blanket and so on. In this case, you should ask the kid: "Where am I?", And, showing off, say: "Ku-ku!".

It is not necessary if the child is 5 months old, play with him in any standard games. The main thing is to constantly keep in touch with the crumb, turning any action into a developing occupation: feeding, changing a diaper, hygienic procedures. In addition to communication, tactile contact plays an important role at this age, especially with the mother. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it often on your hands (or in a sling), doing simple housework, dancing with a baby.

Toys for children in 5 months

Many parents are worried whether a child can be given a toy in 5 months, which is the most useful for its development. Recommended at this age are toys that develop motor skills, sound and visual perception:

Gymnastics for babies 5 months

Children at 5 months need daily gymnastics exercises, the main tasks of which are: coordination of movements, normalization of muscle tone, activation of immune defense. Gymnastics should be done in the morning, in a well-ventilated room, you can use rhythmic music. The duration of exercise is 15-30 minutes. Here are some exercises that are useful for a child in 5 months:

  1. Putting your fingers in the palm of your hand, carry up and down the handles up and to the sides, circular movements, crosses, flexion-extension, rhythmic boxing movements.
  2. In the position on the back, bend the legs of the baby in the knees, feet on the table (floor). Alternately unbend and bend the limbs so that the feet do not come off the surface.
  3. Exercise "bicycle" - while flexing the legs should touch the tummy.
  4. Turns from the back to the abdomen (with the stimulation of the baby to turn over you can use toys).
  5. Exercise "swallow" - tummy down to lay the youngster on their palms, while he must bend the back and raise the head.
  6. Holding the child under the arms vertically, touch it with the socks of a hard surface, so that he would touch with legs, as if dancing.