The first year of a child's life

The first year of a child's life is similar to the course of a young fighter, after which a young mother receives the honorary title of a professional in her field. After all, motherhood by right can be regarded as the most difficult and responsible, and most importantly, round the clock work without holidays and days off. And to survive the first year of a child's life is like a probationary period, which everyone will have to go through without exception. This is the time of sleepless nights and experiences, causeless tears of despair and joy, bright emotions and unlimited motherly love for your baby.

Without any doubt, the first year of life after birth is of great importance for the child himself. Literally, for some 12 months a defenseless and helpless creature makes a huge leap in growth and development, pleasing mum and dad with their first victories.

What difficulties await parents in the first year of life of the child?

Immediately after birth, mom and baby get used to living in a completely different regime: all the organs and systems of the child are rebuilt and improved; the way of life of a woman fully adapts to her child. From this point on, the parents' task is to provide the baby with the most comfortable conditions for growth and development. In order to learn how to respond quickly to the constantly changing needs and opportunities of your child, in the first year of life you need to take into account both the individual characteristics of the baby, and generally accepted indicators and norms.

So, in more detail about the development of the child by months to a year.

First month

This period can be called restorative and the most difficult. As a rule, a full and healthy child is born with expressed unconditioned reflexes , according to which conclusions are drawn about the state of the baby and about his further mental and mental development.

2-3 month

The second and third month of the first year of your child's life is a period of active growth and development, in which parental love and care takes direct part. The kid learns to distinguish emotions, keep the head, actively waving handles and legs, turns the head to his mother's voice, smiles. By the end of the third month, the period of wakefulness increases to 1-1.5 hours, the monthly increase is about 800 grams. Very often parents face such an infant problem as colic. It is very important to recognize and help the child in time.

4-5 month

Many babies are already trying to sit, move on their stomachs, roll over, rest on legs with support. They confidently hold their heads, closely follow the subject, grab it. At this stage, parents should pay due attention to the physical development of their child: to do massages and exercises, turn over on the stomach and so on.

6 month

Half of the way is already behind, the baby has grown noticeably and gained weight. In six months, an active introduction of complementary feeding begins, the eruption of the first teeth. The kid becomes more inquisitive and mobile.

7-8 month

Grudnik developed new postures for sleep, confidently sits and begins to try to get on all fours and crawl. Prudent parents by this time are hiding from the reach of all small and sharp objects, lockers and bedside tables are locked with a key so that the little one does not put his order there. Of course, during this period my mother noticeably increased her worries: every day it is necessary to prepare useful and various dishes for the child, to monitor the purity of toys and sexes, and leave unconsecure unattended almost impossible.

9-10 month

Many babies in the ninth month of life are beginning to make their first steps, but even if this has not happened yet, the baby is already actively crawling and taking favorite items.

11-12 month

Most often, the kids already go by this time, some even on their own. The diet is quite diverse, the dictionary contains the first words and syllables, and the baby also excels in the game.

The first year of a child's life is the most important period, because already in his subconsciousness the future character, habits, world outlook, attitude to relatives are formed. Therefore, parents should give their babies as much time as possible, constantly giving him their love and affection.