Macrolide antibiotics

We used to think that antibiotics are medicines for an extreme case, but there are also relatively safe drugs that cope with the infection in two ways and at the same time have a minimum of negative impact on the patient's body. These "white and fluffy" drugs are macrolides. What is special about them?

"Who" are such macrolides?

These antibiotics have a complex chemical structure, the characteristics of which to understand oh, how difficult it is if you are not a biochemist. But we will try to understand. So, a group of macrolides are substances consisting of a macrocyclic lactone ring, in which there can be different numbers of carbon atoms. According to this criterion, these drugs are divided into 14- and 16-member macrolides and azalides, which contain 15 carbon atoms. These antibiotics are classified as compounds of natural origin.

The first was erythromycin (in 1952), which is still respected by doctors. Later, in the 70's and 80's, modern macrolides were discovered, which immediately got down to business and showed excellent results in fighting infections. This served as an incentive for further study of macrolides, due to which today their list is quite extensive.

How do macrolides work?

These substances penetrate into the microbe cell and disrupt the synthesis of the protein on its ribosomes. Of course, after such an attack, an insidious infection surrenders. In addition to antimicrobial action, antibiotics macrolides possess immunomodulatory (regulate immunity) and anti-inflammatory activity (but very moderate).

These drugs perfectly cope with gram-positive cocci, atypical microbacteria and other disabilities that cause pertussis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and many other diseases. Recently, resistance has been observed (microbes are used and are not afraid of antibiotics), but new generation macrolides retain their activity in relation to most pathogens.

What are macrolides treated for?

Among the indications for the use of these drugs are such diseases as:

Also macrolides of the latest generation treat toxoplasmosis, acne (in severe form), gastroenteritis, cryptosporidiosis and other diseases caused by infections. Antibiotics of the macrolide group are also used for prophylaxis - in dentistry, rheumatology, in operations on the large intestine.

Contraindications and side effects

Like all drugs, macrolides have a list of undesirable effects and contraindications, but it should be noted that this list is much smaller than that of other antibiotics. Macrolides are considered to be the most non-toxic and safe among similar medicines. But in extremely rare cases, the following undesirable reactions are possible:

Preparations of the group of macrooids are contraindicated:

With care for these drugs should be treated patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

What are macrolides?

We list the most well-known macrolides of the new generation, relying on their classification.

  1. Natural: oleandomycin, erythromycin, spiramycin, midecamycin, leucomycin, josamycin.
  2. Semisynthetic: roxithromycin, clarithromycin, dirithromycin, flurithromycin, azithromycin, rookitamycin.

These substances are active in antibiotic medicines, the names of which may differ from the names of macrolides. For example, in the preparation "Azitroks" the active substance is macrolide-azithromycin, and in the lotion "Zinerit" - erythromycin.