Bend of the gallbladder

Increasingly, as a result of ultrasound, patients are diagnosed with a bend of the gallbladder. It is an anomaly expressed in the twisting of the parts of the organ. Consider the causes and symptoms of this phenomenon.

Causes of bending of the gallbladder

The gallbladder consists of three parts - neck, bottom and body. At the junction of the last two, as a rule, and there is an inflection. Anomaly can be both congenital, which is manifested in adolescence, and acquired. In this case, the cause of the violation of the normal position of the organ is the chronic inflammatory process in it, as well as the deposition of stones.

When the external wall of the organ is inflamed, spikes develop, the bile of the gallbladder is formed, and its consequences are expressed in violation of the outflow of bile (dyskinesia) and digestive processes in general.

Symptoms of bending the gallbladder

The abnormal location of the bladder sections relative to each other makes itself felt primarily by nausea and vomiting. Quite often there is a reflux - throwing of acid contents of a stomach in an esophagus that is accompanied by a heartburn and a unpleasant smell from a mouth.

The bend of the neck of the gallbladder or the twisting of the organ can cause pain in the right hypochondrium, which gives under the scapula, collarbone or in the sternum. If the disruption of the location of the bladder is due to acute or chronic inflammation (cholecystitis), it is accompanied by characteristic signs:

All these are signs of circulatory disorders in the diseased organ. If the bile of the gallbladder is double or triple, which is quite rare and, as a rule, in elderly people with the deposition of stones, in the walls of the organ may appear cracks through which the bile will seep into the abdominal cavity. This will ultimately lead to peritonitis , an extremely dangerous condition requiring immediate surgical intervention.

Consequences of bending the gallbladder

The anomaly should not be underestimated: an inflection leads to a disruption in the synchronization of the bladder and ducts that lead to the bile formed by the liver cells into the duodenum. If this greenish-golden liquid, necessary for the breakdown of fats, will not be delivered in time to the gastrointestinal tract, the normal digestion of food will be disrupted. This threatens the upsetting of the digestive tract and the liver itself. Therefore, in the presence of characteristic symptoms of anomaly and confirmation of the diagnosis of ultrasound should be engaged in treatment of bending the gallbladder.

At the same time, fanaticism in this matter is superfluous: recently such a diagnosis is often put, and sometimes - to patients who do not have the slightest problems with digesting food. Many of them have already been born with a twisted bubble, and the body is used to this state of affairs. Whether it is worth in this case to load normally (albeit in unusual conditions) the liver that works with medicines is a private matter for everyone.

How to treat the bend of the gallbladder?

First of all, the patient is prescribed a diet: from the diet, too fatty, spicy and spicy dishes are excluded, as well as baking. Preference is given to light soups, mashed potatoes, porridges.

Prescribed at the bend of the gallbladder and treatment with tablets: choleretic preparations, as well as drotaverinom and other antispasmodics, if the anomaly is accompanied by cramping pain.

Useful therapeutic exercise, physiotherapy, phytotherapy.

To surgical intervention resort very rarely. If the inflection is caused by inflammation of the infectious nature, antibiotics are prescribed.