The Heavenly Bridge of Langkawi

There are many beautiful places on the earth, but an amazing paradise that never wants to leave is Langkawi Island , located on the north-west coast of Malaysia . Nature generously endowed these places with all earthly joys: here you are waited by the pure azure sea, white sandy beaches, mild climate and lush tropical greens.

But people also contributed. To be able to enjoy the full extent of nature from a bird's eye view, it was conceived to build a bridge, so much so that it does not aggravate the natural beauty of the island by its appearance. And the idea was a success! The pedestrian bridge was called the Heavenly Bridge of Langkawi, or Langkawi Sky Bridge.

Bridge construction

The heavenly bridge of Langkawi is the highest achievement of engineering in Malaysia. The pedestrian cable-stayed bridge, thrown across the gorge, turned out to be an interesting curved form, and now it proudly rises among the mountains.

The Langkawi Sky Bridge was built in 2004, opened to visitors since 2005 and its uniqueness is that it is the highest single-bearing in the world. The bridge really rests on a single metal support. The whole power of the structure is firmly and reliably distributed among themselves 8 cables, all attached to the same single support. It seems that he literally hovers over the abyss, and on very windy days, and a little swaying.


At first glance, the heavenly bridge of Langkawi seems to be unreliable, but in the design and construction of security was in the first place. Worry that he will fall, do not need: the bridge is absolutely safe for people. The designers even provided for several ways of evacuation in bad weather, lightning or other natural surprises. At the upper level, double railings were made of steel, and below the level of the parapet wire meshes and wooden flooring were stretched.

What's interestnig?

A visit to the heavenly bridge of Langkawi is a must for the rest program on the island. Having a length of 125 m and a width of only 1.8 m, it connects the peaks of the Gunung mountains. On the edges of the bridge there are platforms in the form of a triangle - convenient places where, stopping, you can admire the stunning views of the island. And the views really shake: on the one hand, the azure Andaman Sea and dense tropical forests, and on the other - all the magnificence of the mountains and the adjoining southern islands of Thailand opens. And since the suspension bridge on Langkawi is curved, you can admire all the beauty of the island from different angles.

A few interesting facts about the bridge:

  1. Skybridge was among the special suspension bridges, and its construction was very unusual. First, its components were delivered by helicopter to the tops of the mountains, and then they were connected and fixed with ropes.
  2. It is necessary to go through the entire bridge to get to the top of the mountain: it is there that there are 2 observation platforms. The view opening from them is more spectacular and picturesque than from the ones below. You can see not only Langkawi and the islands of Thailand, but also a small piece of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The most important thing is that the weather is lucky, and the peaks of the mountains are not covered by a cloud.
  3. The height of the bridge is about 700 m above sea level, and the height of the steel support is only 87 m.

How to get there?

Langkawi is a small island with good roads, clear junctions and signs. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy excursions , but it is easier to rent a car or a motorcycle, and you can rush forward, for impressions. Walking along the Langkawi sky bridge and the cable car (Langkawi Cable Car) is the most popular entertainment for tourists on the island. The cable car deserves a separate mention, since this is the only way to climb the bridge. It consists of 2 sections with a length of 2.2 km.

To get on the cable car, you need to go from Chenang beach along the sea to the west. Your landmark is the village of Oriental Village, it is located at the very foot of Mount Machincang. From here you will climb to the first observation platform, then you will reach the second, which is located near the bridge. About 20 min. will take all the climb, but the time spent will be filled with the surrounding beauty, opening up from above.

Features of visit

The entrance to the village of Oriental Villige, which is a large amusement park, is free. And for the rise will have to pay. Adults will cost $ 7, children - $ 1.63. Anyone who does not like to wait can, in the village or in the Langkawi Cable Car complex, purchase a VIP pass for $ 11.66 and go anywhere without queues. At the entrance to the food and water you will be taken away, they are stored in a special cell until you return.

The operating mode of the cable car depends on the day of the week: