Veigela - planting and care

Effectively flowering decorative shrub wagel is present in the collections of many experienced gardeners. Beautiful large bell-shaped flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are found in white, orange, cream, pink shades. Among the existing fifteen species of plants, we have adopted three - veygela blooming, early veygel, Weigel Middendorf. Features of planting and care for these species are the same.

Planting wagons

The best time to plant the seedling of the Vaigels is early spring, that is, the end of March. The place for the bush is chosen carefully: the wiegel loves sunlight. At the same time, it does not tolerate strong winds, and therefore the landing site must be protected from drafts. Optimal placement of the seedling on the southern slope. As for the land, the plant prefers the soil fertile and friable. If the soil is compacted on your site, we recommend diluting it with sand.

The depth of the pit should reach 45-50 cm. To its bottom, to improve the drainage properties, put the gravel and sand in a layer of up to 15 cm. Top 100 g of nitroforoski. After that, pour in a bucket of water, and only then put the lower part of the bush, straighten the roots and fill it with earth, pritaptyvaya it. It is important that the root neck is at the level of the soil surface, and not lower. In the case of planting several bushes nearby, the distance between them should be at least three meters.

Planting wagels in the fall experienced gardeners do not recommend. The fact is that usually in the autumn the seedlings do not have time to settle down and, of course, perish.

Veigel care

As in planting, and in the care of the Weigel - the plant is undemanding. However, for its abundant growth and, most importantly, flowering care is still necessary.

After planting, the blooming culture is in need of watering, especially on dry days. If after irrigation you will mulch the near-trunk circle, the irrigation frequency will decrease significantly.

The appearance of weeds is accompanied by removal, however, they do it very carefully. Carefully produce and loosening the soil - preferably at a depth of half a shovel spade, so as not to accidentally damage the roots.

Care for Veygel must include bait. It is not needed if you applied fertilizer during the planting. However, for the third year of seedling growth in spring, any complex fertilizer that contains potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen is used. It can be "Kemira-lux", ammophoska.

If you want a long flowering of wagelas, by the end of spring, when the formation of buds begins, spend the second fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium, using, for example, potassium sulfate, superphosphate. It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers in autumn, when digging the soil. This can be a ready-made composition, for example, "Kemira-autumn" or "Fertik" . There is another option - for each square meter of land, 200 g of wood ash is spilled.

Being a shrub, the wagel also needs different kinds of pruning. In early spring, before the buds are dissolved, they carry out sanitary pruning - remove weak, dry, frozen and diseased branches. Adult shrubs need molding pruning immediately after the first wave of flowering. When there will be new shoots, on which buds of the second flowering usually appear, pruning is no longer carried out. Adult bushes every three to four years and need a rejuvenating "haircut". Three-year branches are removed, and young shoots are shortened by 1/3 part.

In regions with severe winter frosts, the Weigel will need shelter . It is laid as soon as all the leaves fall from the bush. Prestovalny circle simply covered with soil a layer of 20 cm. The branches of the plant can be bent to the ground and covered with a covering of covering material.