Veigela - shelter for the winter

Thermophilic plants must be protected in winter. These include the Weigel shrub. After all, its homeland is the territory of East Asia, where the average annual temperature is much higher than in Europe. If this is not done, the shrub itself may not be lost, but the blossom will be much later.

How to prepare a wigel for the winter, to enjoy its flowering in the spring, we will tell in this article.

How to keep the wiegel in winter?

To heat-loving shrubbery did not freeze, it is necessary to make a proper shelter for winter wagel. The activities that will be necessary in the autumn are more dependent on the type of shrub and the climatic conditions of the region where you live.

In a particularly careful shelter in winter, we need a Korean Weigel, a Weygel Garden, a Weygel Hybrid and a Japanese Veigel, since they are completely non-frost-resistant, because they came from the southernmost latitudes of Asia. At that time, such grades as the Weygel early, Veigel blooming and Veigel Middendorf required a more moderate shelter.

In the southern countries of Europe, on the Black Sea coast, as well as in the southern regions of Russia, the wagel can winter without special cover. The shrub will be enough to make a mound of earth around the trunk about 20 cm in height, and then this area should be covered with decaying manure or manure. This way of preparing for winter is suitable only for adult plants, young people need to shelter by all the rules.

Shelter of the wagelas for the winter

To cover the bush wagelas for the winter can be various ways.

1st method - air-dry

  1. From the wooden bars we knock down the frame. Its size should correspond to the height and diameter of the bush.
  2. We set it above the wagel, and then wrap it with breathable cover material (lutrasil or spunbond).
  3. The emptiness formed inside the frame is filled with dry leaves or fir branches.
  4. We cover the entire structure with a polyethylene film. To prevent it from blowing, we press the edges with stones.

The 2nd method is the priming

  1. We band all the branches of the veygel with a rope.
  2. Stelm near it on the ground any insulating material (spruce lapnik, dry leaves, burlap, etc.).
  3. On it we put the connected branches, and then fix them with metal staples.
  4. Top cover with a heater. You can take the same lapnik or leaves, which was used to cover the earth.
  5. In the last resort, we cover with waterproofing material. For this purpose, a roofing paper, polyethylene film or roofing felt is perfect.

The best concealer for the wagel is snow, but since it is very difficult to predict its loss, it is better to hedge and make the bush free from frost.

Tips for preparing the wagelas in winter

You can not trim the branches of the vegels in autumn, when preparing for the winter. It is done only in the summer, immediately after flowering.

Shelter can be harnessed only in dry weather, it is better after the street has a constant minus air temperature, and the soil will be frozen and dry. Therefore, after rain and snowfall, such work is not carried out, as a result of the plant in winter can vypret, or develop fungal diseases on it.

Materials for shelter are chosen in such a way that the plant does not get moisture, but at the same time he had access to the air. If the leaves were weighed from the vegels, then they must be removed from under it. In cases where the branches still have foliage, shelter occurs with them.

In order to increase the frost resistance of the vegels, in the beginning of September it is necessary to add phosphorus-potassium top dressing under the bush.

A well-made shelter for the wagelas for the winter will help her to bear the cold well.