How to care for violets?

Tell me, do you know at least one woman who does not like flowers? No? And rightly, there are no such women in nature. But flowers, which only does not happen, and irises, and peonies, and roses, and orchids, and violets. On the last, and I want to stop the close attention. Why? Yes, for a very simple reason. All the flowers mentioned above grow in gardens or open greenhouses at a certain time of the year. They can be brought home, only by cutting from a bush or a flower bed. But flowers, devoid of root, quickly fade, and nothing remains of them. And Senpolia, this is the second name of violets, live in pots on the windowsill and, subject to certain rules, can bloom all year round, delighting their mistress. Well, how to properly care for indoor violets in winter and summer, how to plant them, when and how many times to fertilize and water and what to protect, let's talk today.

Types and basic rules of care for violets

The first acquaintance of Europeans with violets occurred in the late nineteenth century thanks to the German baron von Saint-Paul. He, having discovered them during his journey through eastern Africa, sent these amazing flowers to his father. And he in turn - a friend of the botanist, who called the violets senpolia in honor of their discoverer. As already mentioned, all kinds of wild violets grow in eastern Africa, more precisely in Uzumbara and Ulugur mountains. Their favorite habitat is the coasts of rivers and streams, where all the air is saturated with the smallest droplets of moisture. However, domesticated decorative varieties of shenpolia feel great in the dry climate of European city apartments. In addition to the fact that violets are infinitely beautiful and diverse, they are also easy to clean, perfectly tolerate the absence of sunlight, very quickly and easily multiply. Of course, as in the care of any plant, there are some nuances in how to properly care for violets, based on the characteristics of a particular variety, but the general rules are the same for everyone. Here they are.

Features of care for violets - packaging, soil and breeding

All the senpolia, regardless of the variety, reproduce with a leaf-cut. In an adult plant, choose a large beautiful leaf and cut it along with a cuttings with a length of at least 5 cm. Then the root is rooted in a specially prepared soil. You can either buy it in a flower shop or cook it yourself. Here is the composition: leaf earth 2 parts, sod land 0.5 parts, sand, humus and charcoal for 1 part. On a bucket of this mixture, add half a glass of bone meal and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. A pot for violets is better to take a small and shallow. The maximum diameter is 12 cm and the height is 20 cm. After rooting and forming young shoots, the mother leaf is cut off. If the petiole is long and the leaf is large, it can be re-established. A good planting material can produce up to seven sprouts.

How to properly care for violets - watering, top dressing temperature and lighting

Despite the fact that violets of African descent, they absolutely do not like direct sunlight. At home they are better placed on the northern and western windowsills and in shaded areas. However, these gentle creations are very fond of electric lighting. Still violets are afraid of drafts and cold air. The optimum temperature for them is 18-25 degrees C.

Watering Senpolia is also necessary with caution. You can do this in two ways: either from above, lifting the leaves and watering the soil until the water appears on the pallet. Either from below, immersing the pot with the plant at a third of its height in a vessel of water. The criterion of saturation with moisture in this case is the darkening of the upper soil layer. The first option is preferable, since it allows removing harmful salts from the ground. Feeding violets produce complex fertilizer for flowering plants 2 times a month.

How to care for violets in winter?

There are no special differences between winter and summer care. Is that twice reduce the frequency of fertilizing and watering and increase the light day with fluorescent lamps. And for the prevention of diseases once a month, they shed the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. For one adult plant, 0.5 liters is sufficient. Just do not forget to give water after that, as it should be drained, so as not to allow re-watering.

Of course, these are just the basic rules how to care for violets in winter and summer, but for beginner falcods there will be enough of them. Over time, experience and taste will come, you just need to start, and you no longer want to part with your gentle pets.