Planting peas in the open ground

Agree, peas are a necessary product in our life, which is valued for its satiety, usefulness and vitamins contained in it. Rarely in what family do peas do not eat. Along with this, it is not difficult to grow this bean culture - it is absolutely undemanding, almost always yields a good harvest. And, by the way, peas are grown not from seedlings, but are sown directly to the open ground. True, with all the unpretentiousness of familiarity with the features of planting and care for peas still worth it.

When to plant peas in open ground?

Since the planting of peas is carried out immediately in the open ground, it is natural that the seeds are planted at a time when the possibility of frost is already excluded. Although short-term frosts to -5 ⁰C tolerate peas. When choosing the timing of planting peas, the nuance is also taken into account when it is necessary to obtain a crop. So, for example, if the seeds are planted in the middle-end of April, the first crop can be expected in July. In the case when you need ripe pods in August, it is better to sow the crop at the end of May or the beginning of June.

Planting peas in the open ground - preparation

For peas, suitable areas are sunny, windless, with fertile land. Soils are suitable for both heavy and light, even slightly acidic. It's a good idea to fertilize soil with humus or nitrogen fertilizers from autumn. It is believed that the best predecessors of peas are pumpkin, tomato, cabbage or potatoes.

After buying the seeds of the city, we suggest selecting the suitable ones as follows: after dissolving a tablespoon of salt in a liter of warm water, lower the seeds. Surfacing is selected. For planting, use those seeds that are at the bottom of the tank.

To improve the germination of peas when planting in the country, it is recommended that the seeds are pre-soaked in water for 12-16 hours, changing water every three hours. So the seeds swell and click much faster.

How to plant peas in an open ground?

As mentioned above, peas are planted in the open ground in the middle-to-late spring. The scheme for planting peas is simple. At the selected site, furrows are first made, whose depth should reach 5-8 cm. When creating such furrow rows, try to keep a gap of about 40-60 cm between them. Many gardeners prefer to plant peas near a fence or a wall. In this case, you can make two rows, the distance between which should be up to 20 cm, which then sow the seeds in a checkerboard pattern. Beautifully look and beds of such tapes on two rows. To make the beds look even and neat, they are preliminarily delineated on the site with a stick.

If you did not apply fertilizers to this site in the fall, then superphosphate or ash with a compost layer of 2 cm is applied to the bottom, then a layer of soil is poured. Only then do the seeds. The main thing is that the depth for them should be 3-5 cm.

Sam seed is calculated as follows - for each meter furrows use 14-16 peas. Thus, the seeds are laid to the bottom in 5-7 cm from each other. Then the inoculum they are covered with earth and tamped a bit, which will help to keep moisture in the soil in such a way necessary for sprouting. If the earth was dry, the furrows, before putting the seeds, watered. If there are often birds on your site, then the beds with peas can be covered with a translucent film, so that the flying fauna representatives do not glue the planting material. The first shoots of peas, as a rule, appear in one week, less often one and a half if the days are overcast.

In the future, caring for this crop requires timely irrigation, loosening of the soil, removal of weeds and, of course, additional fertilizing with complex fertilizers.