
Weeds are unwanted guests in our garden. They deprive the light and water of the cultivated plants we care for. Adapted to the conditions of life of useful crops, weeds grow next to them and damage crops.

Types of weeds

Weed plants are distinguished by a wide variety of life forms. By the method of nutrition weeds are divided into:

Parasitic weeds do not have leaves and developed roots, therefore they completely depend on the host, feed at his expense. There are stem and root weeds. Stem parasites grow on the stems of the host and suck nutrients and water out of them. And root parasites prefer to live on roots.

Semiparasitic weeds are capable of photosynthesis and receive only water and minerals from the host, often clog winter rye, sucking to its roots.

Nonparasitic weeds have developed roots and are underage and perennial.

Juvenile weeds

Juvenile weeds reproduce by seeds and live no more than two years. They, too, are divided into several groups:

Perennial weeds

Perennial weeds are the most harmful. In addition to spreading seeds and fruits, they can multiply by rhizomes and bulbs. Perennial weeds are divided into:

Weed control

Planning activities to control weeds, you need to consider their biological characteristics. Each species is dominated by one species, it should be paid special attention to it in the destruction of weeds.

Classification of weed control measures

The classification is based on 2 features: the type of weed and the means for its destruction.

By the first sign, we distinguish the agrotechnical method of combating weeds, which is subdivided into:

Useful weeds

Fighting with weeds, we do not even think that they can be edible and even useful. In spring, weeds can supplement our diet with vitamins, and using them as decoctions can get rid of many diseases.

Almost all young spring weeds are edible, and the chance of poisoning is very small. To eatables include the quinoa, plantain, dandelion leaves, wheatgrass - they can be added to the salad. Nettle, sorrel and clover are added to the soups.

To medicinal weeds is nettle. Vitamin C in it is more than in a lemon 5 times. Coffee drink, which contains wild chicory, well helps with hypertension, gastritis, hepatitis. In dandelion, many useful trace elements, for example, phosphorus, copper, boron, cobalt. Especially popular is dill. It contains essential oil and vitamins B and P groups.