Autumnal cottage - planting and care

The charming autumn autumnal flower has received its name due to the fact that the appearance resembling crocus, can move us into the warm spring. But in the yard it's autumn! For some, these delicate flowers serve as a reminder of the past summer, for others they are like a sunbeam flashing in a damp fall foliage. However, nobody can leave indifferent autumn autumnal!

This plant belongs to the family of unfermented, numbering more than a hundred species. The birthplace of autumnal autumn is North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. Thanks to its unpretentiousness in growing and care, autumn autumnal serves as an excellent decoration for any flower beds and flower beds. His flowers can have a variety of colors - from snow-white to a rich lilac. Surprisingly, there are practically no leaves during flowering autumn autumn. If you select correctly for the planting of a variety of autumn crops, then the blossoming can be extended up to the first winter frosts.

Planting and care

Plant colchicum is necessary when the bulbs collected in June-July are separated, disinfected and well-dried, that is, in the first decade of August. However, before this, the soil must be prepared. In nature, this plant can be seen on the forest edges, meadows, that is, the cedarberry prefers nutritious, loose and light soil. But the stagnant water for him is fatal, so there should not be a pit on the site.

Bulbs should be planted in a well-lit area in the holes to a depth of about 30 centimeters, sprinkled with earth and abundantly watered. After planting care for autumn crocus is reduced to irrigation, and then provided that the weather is arid. In winter, it is not necessary to cover it with a film, since the plant is characterized as frost-resistant.

It is recommended to plant deciduous trees in small groups, since perennial plants are only pleased for the first time with a single flower, and in subsequent years growing bulbous babies give several flowers of white, lilac or pink flowers. Such lovely bouquets are a wonderful decoration of the country plot. You can also cut these colors. In the water they can stand for several days without losing freshness.

Once in three to four years, a transplant is needed to transplant, which allows maintaining the abundance of flowering.


The best way to reproduce autumnal autumn is the division of the bush. During the summer season, each bulb of the plant is overgrown with several children. When the leaves begin to die (mid-end of June), they are not cut, allowing the bulbs to ripen. However, do not miss the moment when the withering plant is still visible on the surface, since then you will not be able to find the bulbs in the ground. Dry the bulbs, divide gently into parts and store them in a cool, darkened place prior to disembarkation.

Helpful Tips

When planning the reproduction of autumn autumnal, pre-plant in the area where they grow, several bushes of annual flowering plants. The fact is that while waiting for the maturation of bulbous bulbs you will have to contemplate a not very aesthetic picture - yellowing leaves, drooping wilting flowers. Annuals will hide this defect, distracting attention.

Do not forget! Autumn colchicum belongs to a number of very poisonous plants ! Any tactile contact with these plants must be carried out in gloves. After planting, destroying pests by mechanical means or transplanting, you should thoroughly wash your hands.