How to grow a rose from seeds?

Rose is a perennial plant loved by many. This shrub with large luxurious flowers is for good reason recognized as the queen of garden flora. Growing roses - it's not quite simple, because it's a pretty whimsical plant. Most gardeners dream of replicating a rose. Usually this is done in several ways - by vaccination or vegetatively. These are the simplest and most effective ways. But since many of us do not look for easy ways, we often ask ourselves how to grow a rose from seeds and is it even possible?

We will try to understand.

Will the reproduction of roses seeds at home?

The method of planting roses with seeds from amateur gardeners is not so popular as cuttings and grafting. There are several explanations for this. It is difficult for the rose to gather fruits, from which it is then necessary to extract the seeds. In addition, the process of their preparation and germination is somewhat more complicated than with the usual sowing of seeds. In addition, when thinking about how to plant roses with seeds, you must take into account the fact that not all varieties of this garden beauty can be grown in this way. This method is suitable, first of all, for small and abundantly flowering polyanthus roses , the Chinese rose "Wings of Angels", roses of a cane, roses of a needle, multiflora, roses of wrinkled, roses of cinnamon, roses of red-leaved. So pay attention to them, the growing of roses from the seeds of the above varieties by their own hands is quite realistic.

Growing roses from seeds: stratification

Seeds for planting can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared by yourself. If you prefer the latter option, then keep in mind that unripe rose fruits are suitable, the skin of which has slightly browned. Seeds in them have better germination, rather than in mature fruits. Cut the fruit into two halves, each then a little mash to then remove the seed. Regarding how the seeds of the rose look, it is not difficult to recognize them. They are large (about 3 mm) and hard irregularly round-oblong in shape. Their color and size in one fruit can vary.

If we talk about how to germinate the seeds of a rose, then stratification is needed first. It consists in soaking the seeds in hydrogen peroxide for 15-20 minutes. After that, a small towel is also soaked in peroxide, seeds are put on it and covered. Then it's better to put it all in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator in the compartment, where the temperature is kept in the range of + 5 + 7 degrees. The first shoots of seeds usually appear after 1.5-2 months. In this period, every few days, take out a packet of seeds and inspect them for mold. If found, the seed should be re-disinfected in peroxide.

By the way, the seeds of some kinds of roses do not need to be subjected to special treatment. This applies to wrinkled and cinnamon roses. In this case, seeding the rose with seed is carried out in the open ground in autumn. Well, in the autumn there will appear the first shoots.

How to plant roses seeds?

After the appearance of sprouts, the seeds can be transplanted into a container with a peat-sand mixture. It is most convenient to grow seedlings of roses in peat tablets. Care of the seedlings offers systematic watering as the substrate dries up and the container is placed in a place with good illumination for at least 10 hours. Most likely, you will need additional artificial lighting. When the first shoots appear, the soil can be covered, for example, with a thin layer of perlite. As sprouts grow, you need to feed on diluted mineral fertilizers.

Planting seedlings roses in the open ground in the spring.