Detralex - analogues

Detralex has established itself as the best remedy for manifestations of varicose veins, and a good assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. The preparation has a strong venotonic effect and angioprotective properties. Out of disadvantages is a high price. Analogues Detraleks have their pros and cons, but these medicines deserve attention.

Analogues of Detralex with hemorrhoids and varicose veins

Analogues of the drug Detralex basically have a similar effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, normalize blood circulation. This makes it possible to use them both in hemorrhoids, as well as in the therapy of varicose veins, the severity of the legs and other problems associated with the lower limbs. The main functions in this case are as follows:

The closest analogue of Detralex is Venarus. This is a domestic drug, which contains the same active substances in the same proportions: 450 mg of Diosmina and 50 mg of Hesperidin. Just like Detralex, Venarus should be taken 3-4 months, the effect of therapy will not appear sooner than after 18 days. The effect of the drug is cumulative and provides a lasting effect for half a year after the end of the drug intake. Venarus is easily tolerated by the body and has only one contraindication - individual sensitivity to active substances.

Studies on the effect of the drug on children during lactation, as well as during pregnancy on the fetus were not conducted. It is not recommended to use tablets to treat children under 16 years old, and also take them separately from food. The daily dose is 2 tablets, with acute hemorrhoids in the first 4 days of treatment, you can increase the amount of the drug to 6-8 tablets per day. One of the main advantages of Venarus is its price - the medicine is almost twice cheaper than its French counterpart.

Analogues of Detralex preparation according to one of the components

There are also analogues of the Detralex tablets, which contain only one of the two main active ingredients, Diosmin. These are such medications as:

Venozol is also available in the form of a gel and cream, this drug is primarily designed to relieve pain and inflammation, its angioprotective effect is secondary, although pronounced strongly.

Flebodia 600, like Detralex, improves the tone of the venous walls, normalizing blood circulation. This is a good French remedy, which is also quite safe and has almost no contraindications and side effects. The price of the drug is higher than its analogues.

The vase is designed by German scientists and imported from Germany. The medicinal properties of the drug are expressed quite strongly, according to the action and the scheme of admission, it practically does not differ from Detralex, however, patients' reviews call this medicine a little more effective.

There is also a multitude of venotonicks working at the expense of other active components:

All of them are primarily used for the treatment of varicose veins and venous insufficiency, but can also be used in hemorrhoid therapy.

Drug Detralex and its analogues will not only give you the opportunity to wear short skirts and dance the night away, but also eliminate the fear of going to the toilet caused by knots and hemorrhoids. All these drugs have proven to be effective and safe medicines.