SARS and influenza - prevention and treatment

Winter and the beginning of spring are the time when the annual maximum of the incidence of seasonal influenza and acute respiratory viral infections is noted. In the cold period of the year, the issues of prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI inevitably acquire special relevance.

Methods of prevention and treatment of influenza and colds

Implementation of the recommendations of specialists in the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection largely avoids infection, facilitates the course of the disease and prevents the development of serious complications. Among effective preventive measures:

1. Vaccination, conducted before the epidemic season begins. After immunization, antibodies appear in the human body, and immunity persists throughout the year. Modern influenza vaccines not only contribute to the development of specific immunity to influenza viruses, but also increase the resistance of the body to respiratory viruses.

2. Enhance the body's immune forces with drugs. Prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI include the use of drugs with the content of interferon, antiviral agents, bacterial lysates. Vitamin complexes and natural remedies are of great importance in maintaining immunity:

3. Following the rules of personal hygiene provides for frequent washing of hands, regular cleaning and ventilation of premises. During epidemics, it is recommended to use recirculators and bactericidal irradiators, aerolampes with essential oils, to disinfect the air in the room. Also, if possible, reduce the number of contacts and wear protective masks while in the premises at the same time as other people. It is equally important to observe signs of the disease home mode, thus preventing further spread of the disease.

Drugs for the treatment and prevention of influenza

To date, Tamiflu is the drug that has fully confirmed the effectiveness in the fight against influenza A and B influenza viruses. It is recommended by specialists for admission to preventive and therapeutic purposes.

In addition, for the treatment of influenza, symptomatic agents are used that reduce the severity of external manifestations of the disease (temperature, headache, edema of the nasal mucosa, etc.) and sprays, drops containing sea water to moisten the nasopharyngeal mucosa.