Rash on the hands

A small, large, bright red or pale pink rash on the hands in any of its manifestations causes unpleasant emotions, because most often it is accompanied by itching and pain. Let's figure out what to do with this phenomenon and what it shows.

Causes of rash on the hands

Factors affecting the appearance of rashes on the hands can be varied. The most common of them are:

In addition, a small rash may appear on the hands due to blood diseases and disruption of the CCC (cardiovascular system) in cases where there are problems with the permeability of the walls of the sudoras on the skin of the hands.

Rash on the hands with an allergic reaction

Very often a dry or watery rash on the hands appears due to an allergic reaction. So, a lot of people have rashes on the back of the hand or between the fingers after they have tried a new food or they used a new perfume or a means for caring for the body and face.

It is not uncommon for a rash on the fingers, palms and forearm skin to be the result of the appearance of an allergic disease, such as contact dermatitis. It provokes it in most cases contact with aggressive household chemicals. Due to the negative effects of various agents, moisture and dirt, rashes appear on the skin of the hands, which are accompanied by itching and even scaling. Also, this disease manifests itself in a rash during prolonged exposure to cold without gloves.

Treatment of rash on hands

Most of the rash on the fingers passes by itself. But, if it itches, there is a risk of infecting with nails. To relieve itching, you can use hypoallergenic cooling ointments or cold compresses. Excellent help to cope with the rash, which appeared against the background of catarrhal diseases or when the rules of personal hygiene are not respected, the baths from the decoction of chamomile, string or celandine. From these herbs you can make ice cubes, which, if applied to the skin, will quickly and painlessly remove the rashes.

If you do not treat a red rash on your hands caused by contact dermatitis, this can lead to cracks and wounds. Some people literally can not bend their fingers without experiencing pain. Treatment of such rashes should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Treat the hands with an antiseptic (best of all Miramistin - it will not only have an antiseptic effect, but will also wash away the allergen).
  2. Apply to the skin any ointment, which contains corticosteroid hormones.
  3. If you have wounds on your hands, make a lotion with Burov's solution.
  4. Take any antihistamine, such as Suprastin.

Those who have a rash appeared against the background of an infectious disease, you should make lotions with broths of herbs to remove discomfort, and then necessarily treat the underlying disease.

How to prevent the appearance of a rash on the hands?

After all the rashes have disappeared, you need to follow certain rules that will help prevent the re-emergence of the rash. First and foremost, you must always monitor your personal hygiene and wash your hands with soap and water more often. And if you do not have the opportunity to wash them, wipe them with special antibacterial napkins. In addition, try to exclude from food and contacts substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

Did you have a rash from the sun in your arms? Protect them on the beach with special creams. Just choose the products without perfumes and dyes.